12 days in, need some help


Active Member
My plants sprouted 12 days ago and were looking great, then I left for the weekend and came back and half of them were dying. I have 8 plants under 400 W MH and they're on 18/6 light schedule. The soil felt pretty dry so I watered them but Im not sure if that was the problem. Any help or criticism would be greatly appreciated. Thanks



Well-Known Member
that may be the problem.... monitor them and see how they do, if they don't improve then that wasn't your issue. are you using nutes? still might be a bit early for nutes if you are. although could be needing some nitrogen too, thats a major cause of yelling leafs.


Active Member
I havent started with any nutes yet. I agree with you about how it could be a nitrogen deficiancy but Ill wait and see if the watering helped. If not Ill try and add some nitrogen. Thanks for the help.