12 Democratic Senators sign on to co-sponsor Bernie Sanders' Medicare for All Bill

Against anyone else, besides cruz though too probably, i could have understood 3rd party vote, even if i disagreed with it... but against trump i cannot.... Hillary was only one with a chance to keep Oompa Loompa away from the nuke codes!!! I just dont get it, and im not trying to be an ass i truly dont understand, how anyone could not do all they could to stop him. Even if all the conpiracy shit was true, which its not, about Hillary i still would have voted for her this man, he is bat shit crazy! And has tiny hands...

Reguardless if we agree on policy, hillary, jeb, kasich, rubio, graham, romney, mccain, fuck maybe even guliani would not embarass us like this dooche nor would they empiril the republic and the world like he... hell id consider gringrich over mr piss on me...
Please Russia if you are listening: if the pee tapes are real and you have them call 1-800-wiki-leaks!!! We gotta see this shit....

I think thers a chance they are real and maybe even likely they arent, but idc... im sure uncle trump knew the birtherism crap was bullshit and didnt stop him... so why should we not keep that thought out there that it is possible there are tapes of him using his tiny hands on himself while russian whores pissed on him, and he liked it... almost as much as he likes fucking our country...
I agree she could have done some things to make it a clear landslide, but when you are talking 90,000 votes had they gone different in different states we would not have a deranged pet of putin who likes to be peed on at the helm of the worlds greatest military... every vote counted against him... love her or hate her she was our last best hope before being turned into his latest reality tv show as a country..
Yes. I voted for Sanders in the primary and Clinton in the general. My vote didn't help get Trump elected. I'm not saying you voted wrong, I'm just saying you are chicken shit for not owning the result.

Defensive about this, you are.

according to bucky crew..you helped trump..did you help trump?
So, you just feel the need to add your commentary?

Of course my vote had an effect. Every vote does. They wouldn't tally them up if they didn't.

Ok. I've already explained my reasoning for casting my vote the way I did...you're free to believe that or not. I'm not sure why you'd feel that I would go to such great lengths to mislead a bunch of strangers on a weed site, but believe what you wish.

I've lost track of how many times you've declared that it was up to Hillary to earn people's votes, just like it was up to Bernie to do the same in the primaries. You've also swallowed whole, without question, Bearkats reasoning for why he refused to vote for Hillary, but here you are playing armchair quarterback with me. You seem to talk in circles, and one can only conclude that you just like to hear yourself talk.

he's fearful of making the wrong decision, being on the wrong team therefore he straddles the fence, never fully committing..a true commitmaphobe. what he doesn't realize with all his education, you MUST make decision = mistakes because that's how you learn.

he is this way in most areas of his life. he is also alone. prisoner of his own mind.
I voted for her because:

a) Her platform best represented my views.

b) I don't like the two party system, and the only way to ensure that a third party makes it on to every ballot, and gets a seat on the debate stage is to support them in polling and with your vote.

c) She was not in the pocket of corporate America.

No, I did not fool myself in to thinking that she had a shot at winning, but my aforementioned reasons were important enough to me to vote for her anyway.

If I were casting a protest vote it would have been for Trump...the only other person on the ticket with a shot at beating Hillary. The thought never crossed my mind.

" I don't like the two party system "

This is called a protest vote, dummy. Just own it, you thought Clinton would win, you were wrong.
Am I responsible for Trump? CA went to Clinton, with or without my vote
3rd party votes are not why Clinton lost
The Democratic Party establishment really fucked up in retrospect....by not nominating (nor promoting over Clinton - ) Sanders in the primaries.. Basically what they were saying is that they woupd of rather of rolled the dice with Clinton than nominating a real outsider (in the most anti establishment election year in recent history) to take on Trump. I think Sanders would of DESTROYED Trump in a landslide. The people wanted Sanders. ...the good ole boy Washsington and Wall Street network of Democrats did not. All of them thought Clinton was for sure in it once they saw Trump as the opposition. And the end of the Republican Party as we know it. The pundits were literally saying that. And as we know now....just the opposite has happened.

if black lives matter then how come they didn't vote? you can protest but NOT vote? what type of citizens do you wish to be?..the fact that you stayed home was damaging to your cause:roll:

This pattern is national. Clinton’s black voter turnout dropped more than 11 percent compared to 2012. The support for Clinton among active black voters was still exceedingly high (87 percent, versus 93 percent for Obama), but the big difference was the turnout. Almost two million black votes cast for Obama in 2012 did not turn out for Clinton. According to one plausible calculation, if in North Carolina blacks had turned out for Clinton as they had for Obama, she would have won the state. I saw a similar downtrend in my own eyes: I voted in a predominantly African American precinct in the south side of Chicago, and I can testify that the lines for early voting at the polling place were much shorter than they were in 2012.

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People seem to forget how good a life most working class stiffs had it before the Reagen eighties. It started with the bust up of the airline workers unions in '82 abouts. Anyone remember that? That got the ball rolling. This whole trickle down economic lie. This free market everyman is is own entity lassize faire capitalism bullshit. Yeah right.

it's true, i remember..reagan introduced religion to government, we 'said no to drugs' and MOP stopped paying their fair share.
if black lives matter then how come they didn't vote? you can protest but NOT vote? what type of citizens do you wish to be?..the fact that you stayed home was damaging to your cause:roll:

This pattern is national. Clinton’s black voter turnout dropped more than 11 percent compared to 2012. The support for Clinton among active black voters was still exceedingly high (87 percent, versus 93 percent for Obama), but the big difference was the turnout. Almost two million black votes cast for Obama in 2012 did not turn out for Clinton. According to one plausible calculation, if in North Carolina blacks had turned out for Clinton as they had for Obama, she would have won the state. I saw a similar downtrend in my own eyes: I voted in a predominantly African American precinct in the south side of Chicago, and I can testify that the lines for early voting at the polling place were much shorter than they were in 2012.

Tl;dr/No Bullshit Version: "It wasn't us Bernouts, it was 'THE BLACKS'!!!"
if black lives matter then how come they didn't vote? you can protest but NOT vote? what type of citizens do you wish to be?..the fact that you stayed home was damaging to your cause:roll:

This pattern is national. Clinton’s black voter turnout dropped more than 11 percent compared to 2012. The support for Clinton among active black voters was still exceedingly high (87 percent, versus 93 percent for Obama), but the big difference was the turnout. Almost two million black votes cast for Obama in 2012 did not turn out for Clinton. According to one plausible calculation, if in North Carolina blacks had turned out for Clinton as they had for Obama, she would have won the state. I saw a similar downtrend in my own eyes: I voted in a predominantly African American precinct in the south side of Chicago, and I can testify that the lines for early voting at the polling place were much shorter than they were in 2012.


God Dammit, you're dumb.
Tl;dr/No Bullshit Version: "It wasn't us Bernouts, it was 'THE BLACKS'!!!"


Nothing to decode here, Bernie got fucked... The Clintonites thought they could flip a switch n tell us all to get in line..it don't work like that, we weren't Dems or GOPs ..we despise both parties..we backed that old crazy Jew from Vermont because we liked him and believed in him..if he runs indy , he wins. .they tried to force feed us that cunt, we rejected her like vomit..they lost because they they tried to get slick
Am I responsible for Trump? CA went to Clinton, with or without my vote
If I recall correctly, at the time you came out and said exactly what you say here. There was no possibility of Trump taking CA. It was a landslide for Clinton in Oregon too. I chose differently than you but neither of us affected the results of the election. I recall you also said that had the projections been close you would have voted for Clinton.
I voted for her because:

a) Her platform best represented my views.

b) I don't like the two party system, and the only way to ensure that a third party makes it on to every ballot, and gets a seat on the debate stage is to support them in polling and with your vote.

c) She was not in the pocket of corporate America.

No, I did not fool myself in to thinking that she had a shot at winning, but my aforementioned reasons were important enough to me to vote for her anyway.

If I were casting a protest vote it would have been for Trump...the only other person on the ticket with a shot at beating Hillary. The thought never crossed my mind.
Self interest vs Best interest. I get that you voted in your own self interest at the time. In retrospect, you didn't vote in your own best interest.