12 Months of Seeds to Smoke

Lazy Eyes

Big Bang and Himalaya Gold seeds have hatched and sprouted. 100% germination! That's much better than the 50% survival rate I had last time. I guess that's the difference in seed quality. 10 have fully sprouted and the other 2 can be seen wiggling their way out. If all 12 survive I'm not sure what I'm going to do. I only have 9 spaces in the flowering chamber. Hopefully I can take 2 mother plants and I guess I'll have to give 1 to a friend. I would hate to let one die because I have no vacancies.

Maybe someone can answer this question for me (I haven't researched it yet). At what point does a plant go from the"seedling" to "vegetating" stage? The Advanced Nutrients website has feeding schedules for the seedling, vegetation, and flowering stages.

The Blueberry ladies are doing well. Although I am getting a little concerned about space. There isn't much clearance left until a couple of the branches hit the top of the box. These babies are only supposed to grow 10-14 inches tall, as you can see in the pic mine are over double that! The plant in the back right corner finally hit a growth spurt. Over the next 48 hours or so she'll be directly in front of the fan. I'm working on a make-shift deflector to redirect the airflow. They still have about 3 weeks to go. Their scent has change quite a bit too. They're smelling yummy fruity now.

I have them on the recommended 20/4 lighting schedule. If I cut it back to 18/6 will that slow down the vertical growth?


Lazy Eyes

I'm over due on changing water and nutes this week. I'll have to do it on Tuesday instead of Sunday. The roots have become so long and turned the tub into such a swamp, the water won't pump out. Desperate time calls for desperate measures. First thing in the morning I'll be picking up an external pump and a few feet of hose to suck the water out!

Besides the developing swamp, the plants seem to be doing well. There are even buds on the lower branches which seems kind of weird, but good.

And for the fresh crop... They wasted no time getting comfortable. I antibacterial'd the veg chamber and tucked them in under the drippers. Even though they're under the drippers, I've been manually watering them.


Lazy Eyes

Tuesday was water changing day. The swamp of roots isn't allowing me to pump out all of the water anymore. When I added the fresh water, I'm pretty sure I over filled the tub. The water level was up to the bottom of the baskets. Later that night I decided to drain some of the water. I think the plants soaked up too much water. The leaves have turned very yellow. If it's not over watering, it must be the 4 oz of Final Phase I added. I turned the drippers off so they won't get watered today. We'll see how they look in 24 hours. The discoloration is tough to see in the pics because of the light.


Lazy Eyes

I didn't realize how long it's been since I posted anything. Too much work. Here's the catch up with a lot of pictures!

I left off with adding Final Phase. That stuff is final alright, was almost the final thing my plants ate. They weren't quite ready for it yet. I under estimated the flushing strength. I've been adding water without any nutes to help the recovery process. I'm sure I did some damage.

Pic 1,2 - 3 days after the final phase
Pic 3,4 - 6 days after the final phase


Lazy Eyes

Headed in to week 8. Weird to think these have gone from seeds to these pictures in only 8 weeks.

Had to nip a sample. It only hung for 48 hours so it wasn't cured to perfection. The fruity smell of these plants is unreal. When the lights are off the aroma overwhelms the room, even with a carbon filter.


Lazy Eyes

A picture is worth a thousand words... So here we go. 2 very productive weeks since my last post.

It starts with the blueberry not only recovering, but flourishing. At least to my standards. The buds have continued to fatten up and spit out those shinny crystals.


Lazy Eyes

By Sunday the Blueberry will be pulled, Big Bang & Himalaya Gold put into flowering, 2 mother plants re-planted in coco, and the next stain named.

OG Kush or Grape Ape?

Lazy Eyes

Thanks for following along. I hope my mistakes have helped you out.

1 plant done, 4 more to go. For the next harvest I'll definitely be buying a pro cut magic trimmer. Trimming's a lot of work.

With the middle plant out of the way you can see how much space it was taking up. That sucker completely dominated the other plants.

And the bucket of clippings... BROWNIES!

