12 Months of Seeds to Smoke

Lazy Eyes

Sorry sorry sorry. Still figuring these things out! Damn expensive good for nothing scale... Hahahaha, I wasn't high.

Lazy Eyes

In the mean time, check these things out.

I'm going to have some serious height problems. Going into week 2 of flowering, some of the plants are over 2 ft tall. Way too tall for the box.

That means I'm going to be pruning, clipping, and tying the hell out of these suckers. On the shorter plants I pruned the lower leaves to help focus all of the energy on the upper leaves.

This is a lot of fun!


Lazy Eyes

Back to the crop. I was nervous about the roots. They were turning brown and I thought I was witnessing root rot. I have been pruning and clipping them.

After more research, it's just the nutes building up between the growing fingers of roots. I'm looking forward to changing the water tomorrow.

This crop is growing two branches at a time, one purple and one normal. Is that right?



Well-Known Member
Thanks for following along. I hope my mistakes have helped you out.

1 plant done, 4 more to go. For the next harvest I'll definitely be buying a pro cut magic trimmer. Trimming's a lot of work.

With the middle plant out of the way you can see how much space it was taking up. That sucker completely dominated the other plants.

And the bucket of clippings... BROWNIES!
Did a fine job :)

As far as the trimming is concerned.. I trim over 2 lbs every 55 days... now that gets to be a biotch!!! +rep

Lazy Eyes

Mother's Day came early!

Pic 1 - Big Bang mother plant roots. I completely pruned all of this plants roots a couple of weeks ago. They grew back even fuller and healthier than before.

Pic 2 - One of my Botanical Brothers pots. I've never used these before. They seem really cool. A self watering hydro/soil pot. The easier the better.

Pic 3 - The hydro chamber of the pot. Having holes in the right place allows water to soak upward into the coco. If you pour too much water in, there are holes in the pot to drain the unwanted water. It's like a self serve drink dispenser for the plant!

Pic 4 - Coco. I had no idea what to expect because I've never touched or heard of it before I started this whole adventure. If I had a web cam on me it would have been really funny. Direction said to add water a little bit at a time. I chipped off a tiny piece, tossed into the water, and waited for the explosion. Like I was working with dynamite or a land mine! Once I figured out it basically turns into dirt, I was glad I had laid a giant towel down. Very messy.

Pic 5 - Just a front view of the pot. This is the pot that came with the Bloom Box. The pots I ordered and used for two plants, are the smaller 1 gallon size.


Lazy Eyes

Pic 1 - No babies, no need for the smaller hydro tub. Mothers only... For now.

Pic 2 - Himalayan Gold mother.

Pic 3 - Himalayan Gold runt. When the plants were moved into the flowering chamber, there was no room for this one. I couldn't just throw it in trash. It's been gifted! To a good home it goes.

Pic 4 - Testing the self watering system. I over filled it and it works. Spit out the extra water. So cool!

Pic 5 - Big Bang mother. This plant grows and grows...

Lazy Eyes

And in case you were wondering how I got these incredible roots out of the hydro baskets. I didn't. There was no way to wiggle these things out without cutting them again. I buried the entire thing! Basket and all. We'll see how it works.



Active Member

I've known people to trim thier roots like you have, but I personally don't do it. It's tramatic to your plant. I'm thinking you may need deeper baskets for the amount of time you're vegging and flowering. I use 5 gl buckets. At the bottom of them I use lava rock to control the roots so they don't grow out of them so much. Lava rocks provide more surface area than hydroton does. So for me, 3/4 hydroton, and 1/4 lava rock into 5 gallon buckets just to control the root growth.

You're plants look very healthy.

Lazy Eyes

I seem to have posted too many pictures. Either have to start removing some or host somewhere else.

In the meantime, I deleted a couple so I could post these. After the morning inspection, I noticed this on a Big Bang plant. Not good.


Lazy Eyes


I've known people to trim thier roots like you have, but I personally don't do it. It's tramatic to your plant. I'm thinking you may need deeper baskets for the amount of time you're vegging and flowering. I use 5 gl buckets. At the bottom of them I use lava rock to control the roots so they don't grow out of them so much. Lava rocks provide more surface area than hydroton does. So for me, 3/4 hydroton, and 1/4 lava rock into 5 gallon buckets just to control the root growth.

You're plants look very healthy.
You learn something new everyday, Lava rock. Thanks again Red. I would've used larger pots but I ordered the wrong size. Hopefully the plants will stay healthy enough in the small pots to produce a handful of clones.

Unlucky My friend, you keeping for seeds?
As much as I would love to keep it for seeds and experimentation, I don't have the room for it. It has been yanked. R.I.P. Out of pure curiosity I did an "autopsy" of the the rock wool and roots. I found something interesting and can't wait to share it, but I can't post anymore pictures! I'm working on it...

Lazy Eyes

So I pulled the plant to dispose of it. It sure was nice and healthy. After being topped it was on track to produce 4 main colas. Too bad...

In the name of science I decided to see what the roots look like under the rock wool. As a bio/chem drop out, I couldn't resist.

I was expecting to see more of a root ball. This looks more like an extended stem with roots growing off of it.
Here's what was so interesting. The dark piece on the left side of the stem. I initially thought it was part of the shell from the original seed. It was inside of the rock wool and just stuck there as pulled it apart.

Looks like a burnt seed!

After letting it sit out and dry, it is a seed! How cool is that. The Big Bang plant wasn't male or female, it was a hermi.

My understanding of a feminized plant is that by chemically altering the plant, it can be forced to produce seeds. The seeds produced, first generation, shouldn't be used as "feminized" because of the high potential of becoming hermi. Second generation seeds and on are considered feminized and 99% reliable. I'll be planting this seed in a month or so...


Lazy Eyes

Need a little help with this one. I hope you guys with experience chime in. I'm having a tough time sexing this plant. I'll be Boston for a few days so I need to either pull it tomorrow or let it grow.

These tiny bunches are popping up all over the place.

They look very similar to what was growing on the plant I pulled.


There are few showing these female signs.