12 Plant Remote Grow


I have 12 plants grown from seed indoors, unfortunately it is an unknown strain, but the high was good, and i would be more then happy with it. Im fairly certain it is a kush, or at the very least indica dominant as the fan leaves are very broad.

I have a remote grow site facing south, but unfortunately i have no access to water at the site. I was planning on using DriWater, or some sort of water pellets in the soil. I am thinking perhaps 3-5 of the quart sized DriWater packs. I know this isnt a reliable source on its own so im going to have bring water once a week or so, perhaps a gallon or so per plant. I may even be able to bring enough water up there to have a stash, but im not sure yet. I also plan to grow completely organic, as i really cant stand the taste of chemicals in the finished product, or at least i will do this on the plants i intend for personal consumption.

Ill have pictures up here shortly, just have to take them. If anyone has any suggestions on the water situation i'm open to them, as well as with organic nutrients
well the best thing for organic nutes is to mix a slow releasing nute with the soul you are using. first of all what soil are you using ?
and are you growing in containers or in the ground.
i am also growing in a place where its hard to take water but i have recently discovered an old field which no one has access to without jumping a gate so i may take it there cos its very close to my house.
but on the water issue, you can buy 10L water sacks for about 20 dollars online so one of these every 5 days could be an option ?


thanks im using the soil thats there probably, its old forest soil thats been doing nothing but composting for hundreds of years anyways, its probably got everything i need right there. Ill likely put some mulch in the ground with the soil, and feed the plants maybe a compost tea several times throughout the grow. And on the water issue i was considering bringing a significant amount of ten gallon carboys up one time with a truck to my site, that way ill have enough water up there to supplement the DriWater quarts
yh i think it will be a good idea to mix some slow releasing organic nutes in the soil if u wanna do well organic.
what are dri water quarts ?



the website is a little weird, but if you skip the intro thing and read about the stuff for a while its pretty interesting. Its like a gel that holds water, and releases it slowly into the ground as the plants need it. the quart sized ones are supposed to water a plant for 90 days, and i figure with several of them for each plant my plants will have plenty of water for a while at least, if not the full 90 days. plus ill be watering them as well