12 years for 2 joints! HUGE trouble for man in Indonesia


New Member
Hey there everyone, my name is Amanda, and first off I am SO sorry if this thread has been made in the wrong forum, I am in a bit of a desperate situation, so I only did what I thought was correct when making this thread - mods, admins please pardon any error, and I do so hope that if I've made some mistake this information can still be made availible somewhere on the site so I can get my friend some help.

A friend of mine, Kirk Elliot Neville, British citizen and English teacher working in Jakarta Indonesia was arrested this last February for possession of two joints and a gram of Pot, and now faces 4 to 12 years in prison! Kirk, was well known on Youtube as DerivedEnergy, and we, his friends are desperately trying to find information about his condition and way that we can help him! I'm writing this thread to ask you guys - what do we do? Who do I contact? Can anyone out there help?

There is a petition already up for Kirk, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE check it out and if you canm sign it and spread it around to whoever you think might be interested in also signing it! This is an insane amount of punishment for such a a small amount of pot.:


If you want to help further, I encouredge you all to contact the British Embassy of Jakarta on Kirks behalf - Below is all the information you need, as well as a sample letter you can send:

Embassy Information:
BRITISH EMBASSY IN JAKARTA - JL. M.H. Thamrin No 75 - South Jakarta 10310, Indonesia
Phone: (00)62 21 23565200 (from UK, other countries have different exit codes)
EMAIL - Jakarta.mcs@fco.gov.uk / consulate.jakarta@fco.gov.uk

Dear British Embassy in Jakarta,

Hello, my name is (), and I am a friend of British citizen, and English teacher, Mr. Kirk Elliot Neville. It's recently come to my understanding that Mr. Neville was arrested for possession of a very small amount of marijuana in Jakarta this past February, and that he currently faces the possibility of serving 4 to 12 years for his error. I am desperately trying to attain more information about his current situation. Aside from myself, Mr. Neville also has a large group of friends and supporters on the internet who are equally concerned for him, and we want to help him in anyway that we collectively can. Do you by chance know how it might be possible to send him letters of support? At this time we are unaware if Mr. Neville has any support from his family, or legal assistance. Any information at all regarding Mr. Neville's current situation would be gratefully appreciated. Thank you for your time.

I just want help guys, please help, tell me what I should do... Thanks!

All the best,


Well-Known Member
im gonna take a bong hit and call them right now...
he seems to be stuck there for now.. i would go to the media and spread the word


bud bootlegger
i mean i feel bad, i really do, but you've got to be nutso to go to some countries and violate their laws and not expect to be thrown in jail / prison for a very long time..
i have a thread on here about what countries have the worst laws for cannabis possession, and you can bet your sweet ass you won't find me in one of those countries as i'm no fool and enjoy my freedom too much...

stoned cockatoo

New Member
no excuse in Indonesia really. only a blind and deaf person could enter that country not realizing weed can easily end up with a death penalty. id probably rather death then life in a bali jail. you're friend is probably jammed in a packed cell with human shit on the walls.

should have stuck with the pseudoephedrine and the mushrooms. they couldn't give a fuck about that


Active Member
Do your homework if your going out of your country, this mans ignorance is what got him thrown in jail. Sad though.

Rancho Cucamonga

Active Member
I wish your friend Kirk or whoever he is to you the best of luck. I also wish you got more supportive feedback on here instead of a lecture.

Indonesia is one of the worst places in the world to be caught with drugs, currently there are many Americans, Brits and other Europeans serving very long terms for simple possession and suspected trafficking, five have been executed in the last 15 years. An 56 year old British woman will be facing a firing squad soon for supposedly being a unsuspected drug mule and unknowingly bringing in a good amount of cocaine into Bali. Point being it's not going to go well for Kirk most likely.

Good of you to care Amanda.


this is a very sad situation, as a albeit small representitive of rollitup.org i can say that everyone here at RIU.org wish you and your friend the very best of luck. As of advice on something to do in this case, well, that answer may not be so easy. Firstly, I am but a single man, alone I cannot do much, all i can do is offer my advice but another mod or admin may have better advice for you so please dont think this as an official statement for this site rather a OPINION of mine and just how I feel, not how everyone feels. with that out of the way, I will say your friend is in a serious and most liklley life threatening situation, and I think that the proper authorities should be contacted, not only local, state and federal governments but also human rights and civil liberty activists. If your in britain as this story seems, I would immediatley contact the local law enforcement in his or your home town, I would then immediatley contact 'the crown' as you would call it or some type of national police force or a human rights group that operates within the state. I would do your best to contact as i said ambassadors to countries as well, the more people who know his story and know he's a good man or woman, then the better chance he has of getting extradition, im unsure how indo. law works but im sure its harsh and im sure its swift, so honestly i would get on all of this right away, if you call 100 per day its still not enough, i would contact as many good lawyers as you can locate numbers for as well. i really wish you luck, it will NOT be an easy task, you need to prove to your state or nation representitives that this man was a good man and that he made a simple mistake and does not deserve to be locked up and have the key thrown away, because that is likley whats going to happen, also being from another country hes going to be fresh meat for local inmates looking to up their respect. its the sad truth really...maybe he can contact his goverment and tell them that hes being held polictical captive, they may try to remove him and grant him political asylum, therefore making him safe. I really am not sure what else to say here, i wish you and him luck friend :peace: :(

ps. I am not a lawyer, I am a simple civilian in the USA. My opinion shouldnt be considered any more important than the next post before and after me, I am a simple mod here with limited power, I just thought I could offer advice, im not sure how international laws really work to well and even less when it comes to another land or state that is not my native country (USA) so poltical asylum may not even be possible, where im from we have some of the best human rights anywhere in the world, other places are not so lucky, and if we arent careful usa will not be so lucky anymore either. Everywhere in the world people are trying to do what they are doing to your friend, snuff his human spirit out. good luck to you


Well-Known Member
Did a quick bit of reading a moment ago, and the situation is a tad worse than it originally seems. There is no extradition treaty at all between the two countries, so the only way he will get out of there (short of Thailand releasing him for some reason I couldn't guess at) would be SAS black bag op.


Active Member
My condolences!! The truth of the matter is that unless you can get the whole country behind you chances Indonesian Law IS the Law...

On a different matter it might be wiser to admit fault under extenuating external pressures followed by out of culture stress hindering judgment... Of course it's necessary to prove that you are a person of good character. if I'm not mistaken courts are genuinely more lenient, then to say for example oops, I'm sorry.

In the meantime like aknight says, it would be wise to start contacting/writing letters to the proper authorities, local, state and federal governments, human rights and civil liberty activists.

Suggestions: it might be wise to consider better verbiage... in the for-mentioned link petition I read "such a minor offense" foreign courts don't like that because although it may seem minor to you, it most determinately isn't for the country (and which can be used against your case). try not to compare countries' laws rather refocus in suggesting learned character habits...

Best of Luck...