120 watt + 48 watt CFL. She's gonna be a beauty.


Well-Known Member
So they didnt spring back to life and I believe the leaves have suffered permanent damage, luckily the rest of the plant is looking good and new leaves are already growing in.

As for my little babies:



Well-Known Member
The big guy/girl in the first picture has just gone into a makeshift pot. I took a 1.5 gallon bottle, cut the very top off, and I put the little plant into it. When I took the plant out I was happy to see the plant was fully rooted down the cup. I just stuck it outside a long with the SD that got fucked up. Hoping the heat doesnt kill it.


Well-Known Member
2 weeks into flowering for the Sour diesel, and she is already budding :). Lots of white hairs jumping out in clusters. Just sprayed them with Nicotine sulfate with water to kill all the aphids that were sucking 2 of my plants dry. They did not go onto this plant but I sprayed it just to make sure they dont... Going to continue spraying every 6 days.


Well-Known Member
Sour diesel Clone: (2 weeks into flowering, suffered plasmolysis day 2 of flowering from under watering 1 day, so I had to cut a lot of the top fan leaves off...)

It has 18 budding sites. :) And they are all covered with white hairs. She's gonna be a beauty!


Well-Known Member
Plant 1: (second biggest, I believe it is a male for some strange reason, idk why, I think I am wrong, little bit taller than plant 2, but less outward bushiness)
Plant 2: (biggest one, wide, short, sexy)
Plant 1:
Plant 3: (4th smallest, I didn't bother posting the other because its not inclined 20 feet off the ground and is getting destroyed by bugs, just used some more nicotine spray they are all dead)
Plant 2: (see how its more bushy, but has much bigger leaves...)

Plant 1: bagseed GDP
Plant 2: bagseed GDP
Plant 3: bagseed GDP
Plant 4: bagseed GDP
Plant 5: Sour Diesel clone from the club. Flowering beautifully, many colas, and super resiny, second week of flowering. Expecting to cut Nov 07 will push back if they are not ready.


Well-Known Member
All the plants are now in 5 gallon pots. I believe they are showing sex, but one looks like more of a point and the other a ball, so im guessing female, male... Hopefully :)