1200 watt closet grow allkush


Well-Known Member
Have you been able to see a difference in 3 days you've been using co2?

I don't remember if you mentioned it before, but what type of hydro are you doing?

Looking good as always!


Well-Known Member
Have you been able to see a difference in 3 days you've been using co2?

I don't remember if you mentioned it before, but what type of hydro are you doing?

Looking good as always!
Hey man thanks. I think CO2 did something but don't know what, LOL...I'm using 100% coco. Thanks again.


Well-Known Member
looks very good looking like your 2 weeks away i am guessing they should start swelling soon
Thanks man. I'm going to start feeding with plain water next Monday for 2 weeks and then see where she is at then chop her.:eyesmoke:


New Member
IMO last 2 weeks they need the most food if anything do last week if your dead set on watering dont take away food in its most crucial time


Well-Known Member
I'm hardly in a place to comment, but I really think they should be flushed, like Zibra is thinking, for the last two weeks.