1200w mh/hps, automated DWC Tangerine Dream, Res Priv SK A.KA headband LOTS of pics

The setup looks great prizm... It is like a DWC with the ability to drain quickly/easily. I'm sure draining the water back to your 55 gal drum and recirculating helps keep water temps down too.


So when the rez pump kicks in to suck up the control bucket nutes, it empties the plant sites. And then it replenishes the control bucket that then tops up the plant sites, correct? or no...
Would like to give this setup a try at some stage.


Active Member
When the controller module time clicks over to drain, the pump in the controller module begins to pump water from the controller bucket that the module is connected to into the res. gravity/osmosis drain the water from the buckets into the controller bucket, so get your 3/4" hose as low to the bottom of the bucket as possible. But if you drill too low the drain fitting won't be able to seal. The perfect situation If i had it to do again would be to find a way to place the drain on the underside of the bottom of the bucket and set the bucket on a stand with enough room that there's no pressure on the fitting, with the buck leveled with a 2-3 degree angle leaning towards the drain. that would make res changes and stabilizing nutrient solution a lot easier. I have between 1/2-3/4" of water at the bottom of my buckets at all times. To counteract that I fill and drain with plain water a time or two to thin out the old water with fresh as much as possible.

Also, spend the extra money to buy the ebb n flow drains that I use from 1/4" to 1" all use the same small hole saw bit and it makes life sooooooo much easier. I don't use grommets anywhere I can afford a leak unless I caulk them in WELL which can be very time and energy consuming.

I love that avatar man!!that's classic!!


Well-Known Member
the flush is good cause u could possibly see a dangerous build up of nutes in there if you didn't.

i tried feeding my plants from my reservoir to my watering system right, well it ended up making toxic levels of nutes because of build up in the reservoir that was never used.


Active Member
It looks likt the tangerine dream took the brunt of the punishment. They're bouncing back quickly though. The SK's are looking pretty good except for the one. I guess Sk is a little bit tougher of a strain than the TD...But all in all...the girls are looking a lot healthier. Here's the pics

oh yeah...I installed the air muffler that I used on the grow in my first thread...lol


cool, was trying to get my head around how worked exactly. Figured that's how! Ya, the avatar is a laugh and half. You could raise the plant buckets off the ground on a small table, sorta like how my aero setup.


Active Member
ssshhhhh!!that's my sound muffler!!! lmao!! It actually works really well..cut the sound down by half. It's a step in the right direction you could raise or lower the system as high or low as you want, as long as the bucket sites are the same height as the controller bucket when it's filling/running. but on the floor gives more room to grow up. i have a wood block under my controller bucket the exact same size as the ones under the sites that I just remove when want to drain as much from the system as I can. I think the flushes are a necessary evil anyways..its go to give the system a good rinsing..

Thanks Lonestand...I appreciate it


i noticed the blocks of wood...if u built them slighty higher u'd b able to put the plug holes on the bottom side of the bucket. You wouldnt have to raise them all that much more.


Active Member
Yep. Next cycle I'm going to be getting the equipment I'd really like to have for this system, like real micro-pore airstones, 1000 watt dimmable lumateks, and co2. I haven't decided if I'm going to rebuild the system or not. I've found a controller unit that I really want to buy...here's a link



Wow! that's a nice program. I cant really justify buying such a package let alone Co2, not for sometime yet anyhow. But I'd luv to see that system in action! You'd be able to nail pretty much everything done to a tee.


Well-Known Member
holy smokes lol light on off switch that is awesome, imagine u get a call plumbers coming over ect, no worries about Ur hidden grow room just pull out the cell phone and hit the kill switch thus placing Ur grow room in silent visitor mode!
not to mention grow cam omg wouldn't it be nice to check ur area when ur out camping or at the bar to give u that nice warm feeling that everything is OK.

i will have a system like this, u should get it


Well-Known Member
now u need a natural gas powered generator that has an auto kick on switch to shift over to the generator at a moments notice if u lose power


Active Member
lol....hell yeah I do! It's all gotta be kept in the house tho...how would that work? I thought about buying a huge battery backup system


Active Member
i know right!!! did u see its capable of time lapse photography?? and motion censor activated security camera?


Active Member
Stay well clear of any tent with white interior made of PVC. THEY WILL KILL YOUR PLANTS! The symptoms mimmic (sp?) nutrient defficencies, lockout and ph problems and usually end up killing your plants over a couple of weeks from the bottom up. Plant growth will slow, then stop and roots will die, bizarre chlorosis will occour, stems will be weak and thin, leaves will curl over and under, burn and drop. Whole plants have turned completely bright yellow overnight in extreme cases.

cheap white grow tents or plastics put off toxins that will kill your plants!