1200w mh/hps, automated DWC Tangerine Dream, Res Priv SK A.KA headband LOTS of pics


Active Member
ok g13..thanks for the warning..I use panda film myself..I'd heard about cheap tents doing that a while back but I thought they stopped making them or people stopped selling them or something...


nutes: Botanicare cns-17 trio along with Botanicare cal-mag+ in veg. When I switch to 12/12 I will use Dutch masters reverse mixed with the Dutch masters penetrator and the cns-17 bloom until pistils start to show, Then I will switch to cns17 ripe, Dyna-Gro mag-pro 2-15-4, and Botanicare berry, I will also be using Floralicious plus throughout.

Why mixing so many different brands in the same grow? Botanicare, Dutch master, dynagro, and GH?

And also, Dutch master reverse? That is for preventing seeding of female flowers or to reverse pollination. Why put in on stuff when switching right into flower? Botanicare berry and floralicious, that's kinda double stacking products too.

No hate! Just want to help.


Well-Known Member
well i would recommend a licensed one lol,

but that is the most professional set up i know of, I'm sure u could get a plastic shack at wall mart and place a nice size portable generator in there, then use a 50 amp cord, real heavy duty extension cord and run it to your dryer plug if u have an electric clothes dryer, then all u would have to do is turn off your main breaker so u don't send power out to the line and kill workers lol start the gen manually plug the cord in and make sure the dryer circuit breaker is now on. big problem with that is people tend to not use heavy duty wires and they will not shut off the main breaker which can break your generator and kill people. this works well i lived in the aftermath of a hurrican for 3 weeks with power and my neghibors were jelous! but i had ac and cold drinks.

reality of this is if you dont lose power often and are not subject to hurricanes you will likely never need to worry cause if you do lose power it wont be for long. I was just adding the the perfect set up idea

auto switching with auto start is the shit for home back up power


Active Member
Whats up 5lr? It's cool dude....a really good question! +rep....I think i should note that all I have in the res right now is the cns17 grow and cal mag+

The Botanicare cns17 is a decent trio. The ripe especially so. And its only $26 a gallon to boot. since the NPK in all but the ripr sren't perfectly ideal, I'm using it as a base.

Everything else that I'm using is for something that it does..or an ingredient it has that I like. I don't really think about brands. This is my first time using Berry, it's not in my normal arsenal...Im using the Dutch masters reverse because all of my plants are fem and I've had some horrible hermie experiences in past grows and I want nothing less than sensamilla. I read that the chemical is the same stuff that they use to make seedless watermelons. The directions say to use it as a preventative measure against hermie. I guess I'm using it kind of like a vaccine so to speak.

I'm switching from the cal-mag+ in veg to the Dyna-gro mag-pro in flower because it has sulphur and a P rating of 15. I'm integrating sulphur in this grow for several reasons, mostly to do with aroma and hopefully color. If anything it's the dyna-gro and Berry that are double stacked because the Berry's just sulfur and magnesium. But my store didn't have the Dyna-Gro in stock and the guy recommended the berry so I thought I could use the Berry to stretch the Dyna Gro and make it last to the end.

I'm using the floralicious plus for the humic acid and sea kelp. It assists in nutrient uptake. Nasty stuff though. Like thin runny tar!
Subbed! I like the setup and I'm excited to see the tangerine dreams in DWC. I just cracked 1 TD seed in soil, but I'm interested to see the difference between my noobish methods and a pro.


Active Member
Thanks Flysomething. Welcome to the thread! I wouldn't say I'm a pro dude but I appreciate the compliment. Gotta hock it up to all of the soil users out there, takes a lot of patience to make soil go well. I couldn't do it. I have no patience at all, a Yall blink and I'll have that controller we were talking about earlier and have more crap in my room than anyone needs. . . But if your looking to switch to DWC I'll help u out as much as I can. You know Lonestand? He's a pretty good soil guy. A lot of prettyness in his pics...


Well-Known Member
thanks for the kudos but i would recommend any soil growers must reads should include Riddleme's treasure trove of write ups. i would start by checking out his nuggets that can be found HERE.

now for pretty pics so far SL2 has the winner imo, with his cameralight blue beauty

click the pic for SL2's current grow show



Well-Known Member
Yep. Next cycle I'm going to be getting the equipment I'd really like to have for this system, like real micro-pore airstones, 1000 watt dimmable lumateks, and co2. I haven't decided if I'm going to rebuild the system or not. I've found a controller unit that I really want to buy...here's a link


Bitchin grow!
My brother is a programmer and his day job is as an IT manager and systems engineer or something like that for a large fitness company. He wrote a program that does the exact same things and is putting together a package right now so we can test it out on my grow thats away from the house. I want remote monitoring at the very least and when I told him he just ran with it and came up with this crazy shit. He did it in under 1 week too, blew me away.

As of now I have cameras and temp sensors over there that I can access with my windows phone or my PC. He says he will get all kinds of stuff hooked up and I'll be able to control everything as opposed to just see what's going on like I can now.

No pics yet per his request but soon enough. Less than a handful of people knew before this post and only three of us have seen it.


Active Member
Thanks dez!! lol...I rrrreeeaally want that controller!!!!i added up all of the components need to make it do what I want it to do and it all came out to like $2250....but totally worth it!


Well-Known Member
If you haven't lurked there yet, check out a thread called club 600. Just figured since you're running 600s, you might be interested. Bunch of really cool people there. Doesn't matter how many 600s you run as long as you've either got a total of 600 or are running multiple 600s. Many of the guys in there run more than one 600 and some, lke me, have 1000s running too. You'll find some pretty cool stuff if ytou were to start checking out some of their threads too.


Active Member
Thanx dez..I'll check out that 600 club. I've seen it in the forums before.

The $2250 that I estimated wasn't turn-key, only for the components. I have no idea how much it will be once I get a pc to run it and all of the cables required to install it the way I want, along with all of the cameras because if I did buy that setup I'd use it as a perimeter security system as well. That would definitely make it worth the money.


Active Member
So, I drained the buckets back into the res to do a ph/ppm check and re-stabilize the solution. The ph was at 6.3, and the ppm's were 10 points lower. So I added about 25 ml grow to up the ppm's as close to 200 as I could. After the ph adjustment to 5.9, I ended up with a ppm of 198. I also turned the ballasts back up to 400 watts because it looked like there was a little stretch in the healthiest plants. Pic's in a day or two of roots and growth unless yall want pics of something earlier.

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
oh boy those tangerine dreams look good... you seeing a bunch of different phenotypes too?

whered ya get the seeds?



Active Member
Thanx St. Verde. I got the seeds from attitude. There are 3 phenotypes as best as I can tell. One plant is about to surpass all of the Sour Kush's. The other two Pheno's are about half the size and and have are two plants each. One looking a little more sativa and one a little more indica. The indicas look like a sativa indica hybrid with a fat spot about 2/3's of the way down the leaf. I plan to post pics tonite or tomarrow.

+ rep for subbing