1200watt 4x4 Flood and Drain table DREAM QUEEN/GREEN CRACK 2013


Hey RIU, long time lurker decided to post up my grow and get some feed back!!

My setup:

5x9 grow tent

1200watts total...600x2 with digital ballasts. Cooled by 2 200CFM inline fans. Unfortunately if i bumped to 2k would fry the breaker =(.

Temps are perfect in my area right now, inside the tent is usually 65-80F with no A/C or heater running just a 10in exhaust/6in intake

50Gal Rubbermaid reservoir with a little frame i built to keep it from "bowing" out.

4x4 flood table on another little frame I had to make.

Im using the GH 3 part base nutes and some AN additives along with the 3 part fox farm flowering nutes. (open sesame, beastie bloomz, cha ching)
I try keeping the res temp at around 70-73 with an aquarium heater. Work very well!

And for the plants I got 24 Dream Queen clones from my local dispensary =)! (Dark Heart Nursery clones).

If any of you more experienced guys can give me some feedback and thoughts on how im doing thatd be awesome!! Its my second grow, 1st indoor/hydro grow. Ive had nobody helping me other than reading up on all the great info written on these forums!

Well lemme know what you think!! Im 1week from harvest so I'll be updating soon...

Thanks for lookin at my grow =D!!

Some of the pics might come out not that great cause i used my iphone+lights on lol but enjoy!

These are the most recent from yesterday and todayDSC_0639.jpgDSC_0644.jpgDSC_0645.jpgDSC_0652.jpgDSC_0653.jpgDSC_0660.jpgDSC_0661.jpgDSC_0662.jpgDSC_0665.jpgDSC_0644.jpgIMG_0663.jpgDSC_0670.jpgIMG_0708.jpg
Right now they are on week 7...cutting down next week after flush


Well-Known Member
Looks great I see you have done your homework!! I use the GH line and the lucas formula,and some bloom boosters.
Will subb if your gonna due updates,or another grow...


Thanks guys! Yeah definitly going to update this in the future. Tomorrow I do a res flush and Ill take some updated pics! Ive been getting a lot of algae/slime but its kind of black and darkish in the res, anybody know a good way to fight that??


Update! Began flush!

So I'm starting the flush today, Im using final flush with plain water and h202. Anybody have any tips or anything for flushing? I know its kind of debatable but I thought might as well do it since its a common method.

Anyway heres the girls =D enjoy!!



Well-Known Member
Looking really good, buds all got a really nice structure.

IMO id wait a couple more days or a week before flushing if you're going to do it in the first place, i dont really flush for better taste and dont really believe flushing does so, it just costs me less nutrients as some of my plants get F'in huge.

If starving your plant does anything then its exactly the same as curing does, which isnt something id recommend doing DURING your grow, but thats a whole other story.
