120v Notched Power Cord!? Where do I get one?


Active Member
Just like the title says. I'm looking for a 120v notched power cord for my ballast. Not the standard ones. One with a notch in the bottom. Anyone know what stores carry them? Thanks!
yea mang simple if you take a look at floreccent you could see that the cord that has the notch is used for the man power ive never seen one sold sep. but im sure a home depot or somthing could help but they are common


Active Member
I tired home depot and they didn't have it... I went to two different hydro stores as well and neither of them had one...
well man this is the way find a florrecent light dude 20 to 30 max that come with a 220v ballast nothing hard core but if you got some HIS or metal halid then dont worry but any way they come with every thing set up allready sell your other one on craigs list its a cheap and easy way other wise cut it off somethin or ebay might have some