12in outdoor female plant just popped up...need help please!!


Well-Known Member
you should already be seeing buds if this things been outside all this time... plus looks like its overwatered.


hell idk?? i dont even kno how much they are? i really dont even kno wat im doin...jus tryna get sum good bud and knowledge ya feel me? what are the prices lookin like?? oh yeah i have one big fluoresent light with two big ass bulbs....doyu think that will wurk? and wont cuttin the leaves help it bush out more?....lol im sorry im not the most patient guy


Well-Known Member
you want good buds but dont want to get good lighting? isnt possible. a 42w cfl is $8-$12 each. 65w is usually $14-$20 (lowes or home depot i believe) im trying to give you the knowledge my friend. relax. i guess 4 42w could be ok for a real small plant. keep it on 12/12 lighting to make it start flowering, you will need more lights than you want to buy if you veg anymore. it will get about 2-3 times bigger by the end of flowering and you want to be able to get enogh light on it for good buds. cutting leaves does not do anything but hurt the plant. look up topping and fimming and low stress training to make it bushier.


so i really needa get a 65w? and im down for gettin better lightning im jus n hard times right now......do yu think i should just leave it in the pot i got then...since yu dont suggest transplanting it? no tellin wats in the soil the soil is problly couple years old miricle grow


Well-Known Member
the roots are spread out in the soil now and its gotten this far in it, flush 3 times as much water as their is soil if you want.buy flowering nutes (low in nitrogen(n) high in phosporus(p) and potassium (k)) feed every 3 waterings start with 1/8-1/4 the strength the fert says on the bag and kinda slowly start feeding more as time goes on. next grow get better soil.