12K PROMIX GROW, Multiple Strains and Sexy Pics :) Come on in.


New Member
Hi there to all, and to all a great time we will have here. I have a 12,000 watt flowering room; hps of course. The point here is big yields, And also quality product, the purpose of the journal is for all to follow along. This is within accordance and GUIDELINES to the Medical Marijuana laws enacted in my state. What we are trying to produce is medicine, not cash crops. At the same time. We would like to that too :). [HR][/HR] Now, Let's get to the fun stuff. The room Ventilated with an intake flowing through into the VEG room, and then carrying straight on to the Flower garden. The air in the flower room is then pumped through a outtake valve right outside. Corner of a basement so it is ideal. Space is not too much of an issue, as you will see with the journal progressions/pics :). I want to keep this classy, any serious connoisseurs of the plant will appreciate this thread. I do not claim to be an expert but we get good results. In addition to air being clean, carbon filters are in both rooms, we will be focusing primary on the Flower Garden, as that is the fun part ! Anyways, C02 Burner keeps my Carbon Dioxide dancing around 1500-1700 PPM, Climate Control through Sun Systems is included as well. Water is Reverse Osmosis, and Nutrients are stored in 55 gallon drums, one for VEG, one for Trans-week 1-2 of flower, and one for late bloom where we will taper down from about 1200-1300 PPM , depending on our strains. Botanicare Pro GRO and BLOOM are being used, the entire line. Have not too much experience with them but have heard good things!. ....In the days to come this journal will come alive, so be patient. I will be posting daily. We are mid -operation right now so there is nothing to start or stop, there fore this will always be exiting. There is a slight problem with powdery mildew and we are trying to raise the temps and LOWER humidity, my theory is get rid of these DAMN clones we have contaminated our room with. Soon Holy Grail Kush and Skywalker Kush will fill the room:joint:


Well-Known Member
Hell ya, looking forward to it, cant wait to see pics, do you already have the garden going or are you just starting?


New Member
garden is in full force, a few too many strains which seem to be causing a couple problems, outsourcing those damn clones Is a bad idea. I have purchased 6 feminized seeds of HOLY GRAIL KUSH and SKYWALKER KUSH, hoping to get those ICEY danks. Once those mothers are grown we will begin cuttings from those...until then you will be seeing the current situation we have going! thanks for joining, this will make it easier if any questions arise that I cannot answer too!


New Member
*** in the meantime I will continue to outsource :), and I have a good amount to carry me through flower with what is in veg., so I figure once the mothers are grown out it will be perfect timing to sweep out those old genetics and have just my 2 main types. Has anybody heard anything about Holy Grail Kush being a hard one to clone? An experienced friend of mine mentioned he had to discontinue the strain because he couldn't get the damn things to root! I can't see that being an issue, but he insists. lol


New Member
Ok here we go, a little bit of what we have going on. the first is the flower room , just the left side, the second is in the flower room where we keep the nutrient solutions , dehumid, and RO water tank, next is the co2 gen. I had mentioned. then the climate control for heat and humidity, which works great got it up to 100 degrees 20% humidity to kill powdery mildew, last is a quick snapshot of the left side of the veggy rom, where those sluts are readdddy to flower..IMG_0021.jpgIMG_0023.jpgIMG_0025.jpgIMG_0026.jpgIMG_0029.jpg