12v power supply for fans

I'm getting all the materials together to start my closet grow and I don't know what I'm supposed to do for powering my fans.

I'm using 4 ( 2 intake/ 2 exhaust) 120mm computer fans rated @ 54 CFM each and I was wondering what everyone else is using to power their 12v stuff and if possible where they got it.

any help is nice.
well I should rephrase, I know I need a 12v transformer but I can't find what I'm looking for anywhere online, I think I just don't have the right term.

I would really like to find something with an adjustable current


You can go to any electronic supply store . I have gotten what you are looking for from radio shack. its a 12v dc transformer with a dial on the front that swithches from 300 mA to 1.5 amps. The cool thing with this is you can speed or slow the fan to a specific setting that you want.

Should be around 18 bucks
You can go to any electronic supply store . I have gotten what you are looking for from radio shack. its a 12v dc transformer with a dial on the front that swithches from 300 mA to 1.5 amps. The cool thing with this is you can speed or slow the fan to a specific setting that you want.

Should be around 18 bucks
radioshack you say? I've tried the one near me and I the closest thing to what I wanted was the switchable voltage universal charger (has like 12 ends to choose from), what you have is perfect, thanks


Well-Known Member
well i guess ill answer my own question... yes... i hooked up 4 computer fans to my razor cell phone charger and it ran all 4
thats badass! Im going for a stealth undercover grow.

So I wanna make it look like nothing illegal is in the room, but yet the whole thing is!

Im thinking of just using my computer as my control panel. Have all the timers, hoses, and fans running off of the computer. I get to use the power from it and the fan thats in I got 3 of them..


Well-Known Member
what gauge wire you need to run 6 of those with... i have some thin wire that is like size 20... is that to small