13 weeks into flower and No Capitate Stalked trichs!


Well-Known Member
How long can a Sativa go? I had thought 14 weeks top but now I have read they can go indefinitely?? And I'm still at a loss as to why there are no trichs, and no smell..Ah well another experiment I guess lol
Indefinite might be stretching it, but yes it is not out of the question for a pure 100% sativa to bud for months and months and months.
A sativa strain like that has "windows" when you can cut them and you have to be ready to harvest when they hit the window. If they are not cut, they will burst into a new phase of growth and shoot out tons of new white pistils.

Just guessing from what I have read, you probably have a 18-24 week sativa strain. While you will find the buzz nice and enjoyable it, you will also find it hard to justify using that much time, space, electric, etc. for it. I would highly recommend sativa hybrids for the landrace sativa buzz with a much more manageable grow.