14/10 light cycle for early introduction to outdoors

Ok lemme just break this down. Ok as were all getting ready for the summer grow its time to be getting the plants ready to put outside. Ive been slowly weaning my plants light cycle for the past few months. I started vegging with 24 hours of light, then brought it down to 18/6, then down to 16/8. Just the other day i brought it down to 14/10. Right now Northern California has 13.5 hours of light and its gradually rising. I guess my question is...should i worry about my plants going into flower with 14 hours of light? I want to put them outside around the first couple weeks of May because we will be a 14 hours of light. Ive also been taking them outside every day to get used to natural sunlight. Any insight will help. Thanks!

BigB 420

Well-Known Member
I don't have an answer for your question but I've been wondering the same thing myself.

I'm in NorCal as well and right my plan is to put my plants outside on May 6th (should be a 13.8 hour day). For the first week or two I was thinking of bringing my plants into my laundry room at night where they can hang out under a T5 for an extra hour or two of light each night.
seed...and the lights turn on at 6:30am and i take them outside around 9-10am then bring them back in when the suns going down. Lights turn off at 8:30pm.


Well-Known Member
I'd probably just play it safe and keep em at 14 hours til the outside light matches it. Better safe than sorry really. Did the same thing last spring and sure enough they started flowering on me (just reggae bagseed) Then they tried to reveg and did absolutely nothing for like a month. My buddy ended up chopping em down to 2 nodes and they took off again. Wish I would have waited but I was impatient because I wanted to get more seedlings going and toss em under there really quick.
So just play it safe. I mean if you DO play it safe and they keep vegging then hey it paid off. The other alternative could be risky and set you back on time. Just my 2gp

Trippy Stix

Active Member
i'm in the same boat, I need to start cutting my veg light back being at 24/0 now. It's hard since I'm not around a day or two and plan on going 20/4, 18/6, 16/8 then 15/9 which will be around late May when they will be put out. Question is how many days before moving down light phases from 24/0? how long should I run the 20/4 before moving down to 18/6, 16/8 and so on ? i'm wondering how many days it takes for them to "get used to it" before adding more dark time


Well-Known Member
I would not think most cannabis plants would differentiate/sex/flower at 14on/10off...... If anything, perhaps they would flower faster than normal; maybe they'd start showing within a month or two instead of two weeks.


Well-Known Member
I'm planning on the same, transferring my plants to the outdoors sometime in may. But just to be safe, I'm not transplanting and leaving them outside until June 1. At that time there will be about 14.75 hours of sunlight. + the farmers almanac says its a good time to plant vine crops and the 1st and 2nd are good days for transplanting.