14 days 12/12


Well-Known Member
when its ready mate. normally between 3 and 4 weeks from seed if not a little longer depending on the conditions.good luck. welsh


Active Member
21 days from 12/12 mine took almost that long, frustrating when you see people say there plants are 3 weeks into 12/12 and the buds are huge. this is my 3rd grow and i switched to sativas and in 1 week there already little buds everywhere. sativas may be the way to go for large buds


Active Member
vegged for 7 weeks , going into week 3 of 12/12 and still no signs of pistils . i've kept the lights on 12/12 the top stem is stretching to about 17 inches , considering topping it tonight .

Could be anywhere between a week or a month. I've heard of some bagseed strains taking months to flower no matter the light cycle because they were grown and evolved in places where the light cycle stays close to 12/12 year round. AS long as you dont have any light leaks you should be showing signs soon.