14 days i flower whaat do u think

14 days in flower. Some leaves are wilting and appear to have spots. 300 watt led, hydro buckets, were on 12/12 now going to 14/10.. Guess Im tryin to figure out if they are doin what there supposed to.



Well-Known Member
Almost looks like they have heat stress from being too close to the light but that can't be your problem if your using LED. what nutes are you using?
I dont know what r/o is and i gave the formula for nutrients im using. They are 10 gal buckets and they have 2 plants in them. How do I cool the buckets without shocking roots. Thank you by the way keep any advice coming. Whats flooding?


Active Member
how do you overwater in a hydro set-up?????????????
I heard that because of less evaporartion with LED you don't need to have nutes as strong sometimes causing issues. Check the ph. Make sure your ph is not too high or too low which might be causing nute malabsorbtion and thus nute buildup.


Well-Known Member
I dont know what r/o is and i gave the formula for nutrients im using. They are 10 gal buckets and they have 2 plants in them. How do I cool the buckets without shocking roots. Thank you by the way keep any advice coming. Whats flooding?
R/O is reverse osmosis water. what type of medium ie. soil, hydroton, etc... ?
Do you flood the buckets to feed? Do you have a resevoir to store nutrients? I have chillers to cool my rez's down to 65 deg. No root shock just major uptake. Good luck



I just started to flood the buckets. leaves feel dry some ends crumble. Also have little holes in some leaves looks like something was munching. Do I take those off or will they be ok. Noticed today that stems getting sticky. Some pre-flowers not a lot though.
Some are in rockwal (sorry about spelling) and some peat pellets. Noticed pellets work better to start. Also whats the average time it takes a seed to sprout? The seeds I started had good tap roots. Put them in peat pellets 6 days ago inside a hot house nothing has come to surface whats the deal? They cracked shells in 24 hours. Its a white widow big bud cross.


Well-Known Member
I just started to flood the buckets. leaves feel dry some ends crumble. Also have little holes in some leaves looks like something was munching. Do I take those off or will they be ok. Noticed today that stems getting sticky. Some pre-flowers not a lot though.
Some are in rockwal (sorry about spelling) and some peat pellets. Noticed pellets work better to start. Also whats the average time it takes a seed to sprout? The seeds I started had good tap roots. Put them in peat pellets 6 days ago inside a hot house nothing has come to surface whats the deal? They cracked shells in 24 hours. Its a white widow big bud cross.
Talk to me babe. What's up? Get them girls back into line suckin on your nute blend?

Reverse osmosis water is one of those must have items when using hydroponics, imo. Starting off at 000 ppm is what's really going on. I picked up an 85/day unit for $125 on ebay.

Water temp. is very important, especially at this time of year. Do whatever you can to keep the temp. below 70. I did'nt use chillers last summer and half our crop (1.5lbs) went into the hash bags due to root rot. That's a double loss. Energy, time and lack of personel smoke (oops that's three- ouch no wonder I scored chillers).

Remove leaves after 50% damaged is the rule. I pull them at 25%. That's probly nute burn your talking aboot. How does new growth look? That is the determining factor when evaluating health after problems.

I usually can get a fresh seed to pop in 24 to 36 hrs. My method is different but, nothin special. The old paper towel routine. Sometimes the first leaf will get caught up on the shell and take a little longer to establish. Six days sounds a little long though.


Good Luck,


Well-Known Member
alright, it definitely is possible to overwater in a hydro steup. what kind of setup are you using?

also, i couldnt tell if they had shown preflowers yet.

lastly, is the strain indica or sativa? if indica, they are a tad behind.