14 days in the ground


Well-Known Member
planted as clones its F3 sour diesel the big plant has grown 4 in and the smaller plant has grown about 3" I just started peters 20-20-20 with micros one has what I think is heat burn from the sun it was 103 for 2 days. do they look ok? rowing out doors and they get about 6-7 hours of direct sun every day. the bottom leaves started turning yellow but I think thats from the planting and nitro. defi. but fixed it with the 20-20-20 it just took off also I tested my soil ph is about 6.5-6.8 couple of questions

1. What is a good insecticide to use? one I can buy at a walmart or home depot and how do I use it?

next when watering I fill up gallon jugs with tape water and let them air out but I have not watched my ph in the water so

When I water what should my water ph be 6.5-7.0? and if so I just buy ph up or down right?




Well-Known Member
dont watch ph,just watter the plants with planty off pipe watter! 2x a day! in tha morning and afternoon!


Well-Known Member
NO BONGWATER! there are tars and junk in that water, why would you want to put that shit on your plant?


Well-Known Member
Gamble I appreciate the props and I am new here and have made a few post seems like thier are some haters on here. I come here looking for good advice and have gotten some kill your grow answers man I feel for the real nubie. I have grown indoors before just had a few basic questions for outdoor and, where are the mods?

out of all my years of surfing the net this has got to be the biggest joke of a site I have come across either the mods dont mod or there are alot of HIGH ASS people on this board that dont have a clue. OK done venting
