14 DAYS TOTAL DARKNESS, during flowering, no issues??


Well-Known Member
Why do you want to keep them from lights for 2 weeks??? Do you want proof that plants need lights to thrive? Anyway you can be certain that 2 weeks of darkness will give you nothing good - just some more sad plants. Only positive thing i can come up with is that you save 2 weeks of electricity from the lights - that's about it. You want proof of these claims? - go Google it.

Green Inferno

Active Member
lookie here mr green inferno, my avatar, the one on the left, went without lights for 2 weeks. thats proof....um yeah!
it makes the weed taste like cocaine and watermelon PLUS it has the same effect as smokin mushrooms mixed with crack.
how bout that?
I always wish my weed taste like illegal drugs. Cocaine. Try again.

Green Inferno

Active Member
Why do you want to keep them from lights for 2 weeks??? Do you want proof that plants need lights to thrive? Anyway you can be certain that 2 weeks of darkness will give you nothing good - just some more sad plants. Only positive thing i can come up with is that you save 2 weeks of electricity from the lights - that's about it. You want proof of these claims? - go Google it.
Only thing positive from depriving your girls of their much needed light. Saving on their electric bill.
I'd give you some reps, but I already did earlier, I can't add more. Says the site. Add 5 cool points to your Jeff D. collective points. Can't cash them in because I am broke, but
it means you have some sense, and as far as I'm concerned, 5 pts is a good start.


Well-Known Member
The plant would hermie. That long of darkness would put the plant into emergency mode, and trust me, it's gonna hermie.


Active Member
@ Dominathan .... wrong

"Try to turn the lights off altogether the final 2 weeks of the flowering cycle ( or at least down to 8 hours MAX). This keeps the flowers from re-growth and stresses the plant into giving up its last drop of goodness as crystal to protect the flower!"

.... now that being said I found it on a site that THIS forum uses all the time.
The 'tude

I hope this helps :joint:
so much hate on this on topic i thought i would share what little I knew


Active Member
but at the same time this only works for the last 2 weeks.... say you did it in veg weeks 5-7 ( just saying ) 2 weeks with no light would probibly mean death or hermie, but last 2 weeks extreamly low light is fine


Active Member
Anyone with this experience?

Someone seems to have, I called him on it, and he backed out.
"no link, no info on it", just that 14 day total darkness is cool.

Right me if I'm wrong. I have no shame admitting when I'm wrong.

I'm a newb on the indoor growing scene. Bad info hurts us all.

This is the last bit of my time that I'll waste on your pathetic little ass...

SO ADMIT IT !!! You were fucking wrong!!!

I think the plant can easily survive for 14 days without lights, but am very confident it won't do anything positive to the plant. I don't believe that will increase the amount of cannabinoids.

Right, the dumb ass Green Smolder, didn't include that the grower wanted help with trying to make his res not go dry while away from his garden.. nothing more

I asked him nicely, ever so politely to show me something to back this up, I mean EVER SO NICELY, he couldn't provide anything but insults.
If I'm wrong, If it is possible for a plant to live 1424 hours of complete darkness, or 2 weeks, show me. Please! I have no shame admitting I am

I am a normal human being, I make mistakes, everyday even, needs proof though. Anyone with 2 weeks darkness out there? Actual proof?
Wah wah wah....

Who the fuck are you that anybody has to prove anything!!

Fucking nubes, prove it, prove it......What have you ever done other than prove that you can make an total ass of yourself....

Lets see some of your pulls, yeah... OK fine lets see just one fucking harvest of anything and then you better FUCKING PROVE IT!!!

I read somewhere that people should back up their claims.
I also read that people that " heard stuff" should mind their
own business, or back up their claims.
Don't read "stuff dude", get the facts. I read that Justin Beiber" is "cool",
is this true?

Seriously dude?!

Let's see some proof. Insults? Not so much.
Try Again.


And I've yet to see proof. Try again.

Booo fucking hooo.......I said you were too lazy I should have said too stupid also...

Seriously dude? I read the thread you are bitching about. Face it, a lot of information you're going to come across on here is the type, "I heard this from a buddies buddy" type of info. And he didn't call you names, but was implying that your are a lazy suckubuss. Why don't you go smoke one and do a little research to find your proof. Like he said he doesn't carry links and threads around in his back pocket.
hahaha nice oObe !!!

If you don't know, I'm calling you out. Prove this guy correct. 14 days darkness you're fighting for.
I'm lazy, come prove that too!!?? And prove yourself correct too?? No??

Wah wah wah " I'm calling you out." Bawhhahahahahahahahahahaha
Prove it prove it!!! WHAT ARE YOU TWELVE?

lookie here mr green inferno, my avatar, the one on the left, went without lights for 2 weeks. thats proof....um yeah!
it makes the weed taste like cocaine and watermelon PLUS it has the same effect as smokin mushrooms mixed with crack.
how bout that?
There you go Green little puff of smoke....

What is up with the "proof" stuff? The dude admitted upfront that it was hearsay, therefore, it should be taken with multiple grains of salt. Someone wanted me to prove that I had a shipment confiscated in Chitown. Really, you want to call me out on something so mundane as a seized shipment? That is just lame. This is a pot forum after all. Now if we were engaged in scientific theory and review, that would be different. Now why would I even bother to scan a stupid seizure letter to appease some immature, know-it-all punk who asks for proof? Complete waste of my time. It is what it is, believe it or not.

Thank You!

I cant wait to see what lame, witless, childish and completely unproven response you make up nube...


Well-Known Member
lookie here mr green inferno, my avatar, the one on the left, went without lights for 2 weeks. thats proof....um yeah!
it makes the weed taste like cocaine and watermelon PLUS it has the same effect as smokin mushrooms mixed with crack.
how bout that?
i will not be doing that then i have a hard enough time sleeping lmao


Well-Known Member
HAHA i like this dude
i had a converstion with him about lights today i gave him the info i heard about led lights and people complaining well he's not lazy he looked up the shit and gave me a few links and also a few links about other shit i heard ,so yea i like him lol


Well-Known Member
I got a mother plant im gonna retire she has been cloned to death lol i think i will let her go 2 weeks in the dark and test this theory ........