14 seeds guerilla grow-1st grow


ok so i bought 5 fem blue himalaya-short stuff seeds from the attitude and seen as though quadruple thunder was on i got 9 free seeds, theese 9 are gonna go out in the woods, was wondering - do i really need to germinate before planting or can i just stick em in the ground, the soil is perfect the area gets enough light etc and they can grow as tall as they like. is there anything i need to look out for etc with my first guerilla grow? the other seeds the 5 blue himalaya are gonna go in my garden seen as though they are so short in a sort of chicken coup thing. any input would be greatly appreciated. im only doin this cause weeds so expensive round here and most of the time impossible to get green. im in uk btw cheers


cool, cheers. maybe i will sprout em a bit just so i know they are on their way. when can you start to smell a plant? is it like a mint plant?


just got the seeds today and i planted them, didnt germinate but the soil is really moist so should be ok. i made a hole with a stick then put them in and covered them up. all of them are feminized so hopefully should get at least one growing out of those nine :)


Well-Known Member
i dont know if im to late here but i germinate my seeds on a warm barely lit surface in a saucer in damp kitchen roll the seeds allways germinate unless there verry old i got 11 sprout out of 12 this year using this method iv tried in soil before but watering them sinks the seeds so you cant find them in the soil to check the tap roots the toilet tissue method you can see when they are an inch tall then plant them i guarantee they will grow from this point happy growing bro


cheers man, i will do that next time but i already planted em now so im just gonna hope. def gonna germinate usin the tissue method when i get a grow tent and plant outside at the same time but for this first grow im just gonna see what happens. thanks. excellent to know they dont smell really untill flowering time thants handy. ill update to say if they managed to grow or not.


ok they have sprouted, only just tho so there arent any leaves at the moment just a fresh root comin up, im sure if i went down today or tomorrow they would have tiny leaves on em. cant wait theese are gonna be massive when they are done. ill keep everyone updated with pics when they start lookin good :)

Da Silva Satia

Active Member
never done a guerrilla grow
show us some pics dude.....
good luck

and to the original question i also like to germ first then plant.....makes me feel better i guess


yeah i'll get pics up soon i need to get a new graphics card for my pc first though so 'bout 2 weeks i'll have pics up. yeah i'll germ first next time been worrying about em but they are fine and its been really good weather too.
Hey man check my Guerilla Grow Videos!!! I try to teach you the Easiest and cheapest way to set you up a guerilla garden but trust me its alot better to germinate them inside and get them atleast 6 inches tall or where they have atleast 3 internodes of leaves or branches!!! But here's my channel!!! http://www.youtube.com/user/GeorgeWashiification, Go check em out and tell me what you think!!!


Well-Known Member
last year i planted my germinated seeds root up lol and a couple days later was like wtf dug them up and moved them back and they still grew growing marijuan is not rocket science :)


Active Member
I think one of the most important things to do is make sure the underbrush/other weeds say a foot or so around your plants are pulled up so that they dont overgrow your plant and smother it out. Good Luck