1480 co-op is bad news for Pts

I had to laugh when I read through all the posts. It's like if somebody was speeding on the freeway and I posted a picture, video, or whatever, which included the license plate of the car that was speeding on some site where legal discussion about traffic tickets were taking place that I would think it would make a difference? Like some cop is going to write a ticket cause I posted about it online? Why not just call the cops and let them know you think something illegal is going on and let them deal with it? If he was operating illegally, wouldn't you sleep better at night knowing the police have shut him down and kept the neighborhood safe once again?

Honestly, if you want to post a bad review about a dispensary, try weedmaps.com where people might care about such a review.
Actually this is great place for such discussions because many patients and caregivers in az frequent this site. And fuck weedmaps they censor reviews.
weedmaps seems so center on LA, i dont know what the hype about clubs/dispensaries is. i'd rather work with straightup people instead of someone paid to act a certain way towards me. dispensaries are overrated.
Everyone needs to watch out for this guy Edward Lewenetz. Everything said about him is true and so much more. BEWARE. People need to be warned about him. He had to run from Florida. Just check his record there!!!!!!!!
I would just like to say as the step father of Ed's daughter that this guy is pretty dead on with his comments!! He got my girlfriend pregnant at the age of 16 and he was 38. I would also like to add that he is 10-15,000$ behind in child support and hasn't seen his daughter in years so plz do not support him or his grow op!!! Thanks from Florida!!!!!
how would one check his record in florida???? none of what you say surprises me ...... never met a bigger scum bag in all my long life.

And here is the scum bag himself..lying to college girls and selling shitty cali outdoor as homegrow meds. My meds that I GROW look better than that shit, and i suck at growing. Fucking scam artist....hope someone beats his ass and leaves him in the desert.

In a few years when i have the skill and knowledge.. im gonna work my ASS OFF to put clowns like this dick out of business and FLOOD the market with Real az HOMEGROWN.... from teh halls of u of a RIGHT to your pipes and bongs.... people like him dont stand a chance when i get going.
^^^^ what does he do that makes him a scum bag ??

read the post man it all there.... selling 10 dollar leds to sick people for 200 bucks..... selling mexican brick seeds as TGA subcool seeds, planted a pound of bud in my moms car than called the cops on her. What else??
Statutory rapes 16 year old girls when he is 38, beats his current gf so bad she acts like an abused puppy. I mean do some reading of the post. Google his name, look into his florida record. The man is a scum bag. If you dont think so, do business with him..... there is a reason he RAN to AZ.... a few people he did business with in Florida are STILL looking for his ass.... As i said read up on people and you'll be amazed at what you find.
Hÿdra;8436213 said:
read the post man it all there.... selling 10 dollar leds to sick people for 200 bucks..... selling mexican brick seeds as TGA subcool seeds, planted a pound of bud in my moms car than called the cops on her. What else??
Statutory rapes 16 year old girls when he is 38, beats his current gf so bad she acts like an abused puppy. I mean do some reading of the post. Google his name, look into his florida record. The man is a scum bag. If you dont think so, do business with him..... there is a reason he RAN to AZ.... a few people he did business with in Florida are STILL looking for his ass.... As i said read up on people and you'll be amazed at what you find.

He also has a very stupid hair cut. It's like a mullet on steroids.
Yes beaver...its A VERY stupid hair cut indeed^^

He dresses like a florida swamp pirate, cheap silver jewelry, rat tail hair cut... i mean have you EVER MEET SOMEONE THAT DRESSED LIKE THAT THAT WASNT SCUM?
65 dollar 1/8s of stemy cali outdoor to pts.

(p.s. until recently i had suspicions ED lewenetz was either Lucius or Personified..... our two in house retards..... but now im sure they are separate but equal morons)
Dude in that Youtube video there was what looked like reggie brick weed. Harrable!!!

Oh thats what it is...... its GOOD reggie...but reggie none the less. Where do you think he gets his "TGA SUBCOOL SEEDS" from. (sometimes he switches it up and sells them as white widow or Blue dream to people that dont know the TGA name.)
People down in Tucson are retarded, the "medical" weed they buy form Ed and others smells like grass, looks liek brick weed.

When i have the grow skills...imma put fools like this on the streets, bomb weed a dirt prices. I dont give a fuck, im not trying to be rich or famous, just have my bills paid and pipe full. Illl over grow all these nerds down here.
Beware if this guy big time. He also threatened my family and told my daughter he planted cocaine in my house to keep her away from me. I had the cops chasing him for months as he talked her into running away with him. Yes it's true he likes young girls big time. He also likes to hang with teenagers so he can feel superior. If any one is looking for him you can usually find him living off of the Hari Karishna's. he is leaving a trail all the way from Florida. I won't even post what he did to his late wife out of respect to her. She WAS a beautiful person. I was lucky to get my daughter out of his evil clutches!!!! I even alerted the police if anything ever happens to me to go after him. EVIL EVIL EVIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am Eds X-wife and let me tell you from personal experience please beware!! I google his name every once in a while just to keep tabs on where he's located because I'm truly scared of him! This is a man that told me for years that if I left him he would kill my entire family!! I could go on forever about the horrendous things that he has done but then I would be writing a story!! I knew it wouldn't take long for everyone to see the true side of him and like always he has proven me right!!