14hrs of Light Last Three Weeks


Well-Known Member
I was watching some you-tube videos and this guy recommends upping the light to 14 hrs for the last three weeks of flowering for increased yield. Anyone try this? I have never had a plant go hermie this late in flowering so I am inclined to believe him that this would work well. Here is the link YouTube - Harvesting Information.


Well-Known Member
i bet theres some STRAINS that could take 16hrs. but it really depends on strain. however 12 will make any strain flower correctly.


Active Member
I think from my studies that increasing the light should actually take longer to flower but increase your yield. Notice the qaulifier "I think". But dont worry about hermaphing though it might go back to a veg state if you give it too much light.


Well-Known Member
I'll say imo it's bullshit,nowhere in these pages does it mention doing that.


Well-Known Member
I read something either from jorge or ed, talking about increasing the light by 30min increments , i thought that they had come to the conclusion that after either 13 or 13.5hrs its not worth it


Well-Known Member
Yea it will increase your yield a little and will also take a little longer for them to be done :).


Well-Known Member
I watched the same video a few months ago and asked the same question on this forum. I couldn't get an answer out of anybody. IMO, it would work. If u listen to everything the guy in the video says, and look at his setup, it doesnt look like he DDoesn't know what hes talking about.. So i think it may have some truth to it


Well-Known Member
according to jorge cervantes increasing to 14 hours makes no more difference than 13 but that swapping to 13 hours light as you descibe increases the yield but also increased time to harvest by 1 week. and that over the course of 1 year the time added up to losing a crop in that year and the added yield didnt equal the lost time for a crop.
however if you do not run a year round OP then it may certainly be worth 1 week to bump the yield
check page 13 of Indoor Marijuana Horticulture By Jorge Cervantes


Well-Known Member
Yeah mine is a perpetual harvest so I can't up the light because the plants are at different maturity levels thanks for the good info!


Well-Known Member
why do people say BUMP??
is that like when a retarded kid gets happy and makes a random noise. Only instead of a m. challenged person it is a hyperactive pothead typing something random??


Well-Known Member
why do people say BUMP??
is that like when a retarded kid gets happy and makes a random noise. Only instead of a m. challenged person it is a hyperactive pothead typing something random??
It moves the thread up on the recently posted list so that it becomes more visable to people again. So you "bump" it up the list.:-P


Well-Known Member
why do people say BUMP??
is that like when a retarded kid gets happy and makes a random noise. Only instead of a m. challenged person it is a hyperactive pothead typing something random??
its to bump it to the top of the new posts list. or to keep an otherwise dead, already answered, or boring topic active.