14w, 2700K, CFL's


Well-Known Member
I found a whole bag full of these bulbs in my parents garage. You think it's possible to put enough of these around a plant for flowering ? I have used regular "daylight" flourescents before. Of course the buds were very airy and light, but were still good quality. Would these be better than that at least ? I know I need a good light, but Im currently unemployed, and my family of three is living off one $7.50 an hour job. So I just cant spring for one right now.


Active Member
Ya you can. I don't know what kind of fixtures you have but this what I did I went to recycling building place got two five five fixture light bar got a 2x4 drilled a hole in the wood for cord. I wired the two together and ran the wired in the wood then screwed light bars to wood. Now wire on extension cord. You should now have ten sockets now get the ys put them in the sockets. You should now have a 20 socket light fixture. If you go to my profile the picture there is before ys I hope this helps buddy good luck.


Active Member
Oh light bars for both was 4 bucks extension cord 1 dollar you have bulbs just make sure they are always about two in. Close to plant and 2700 for flowering 6500 for veg


Well-Known Member
sure, every thing its better then nothing, and atleast its in the right color/Kelvin for flowering, tho the Watt is low so better keep em close, be creative, make some kind of DIY hood/fixture and scrog/train the plant so you can keep the Bud sites close to the lights (2-4 inch`s)

biggest down side of fluorescent is light penetration


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the replies fellas. The fixtures I have are the round, clamp on style. The ones that have 2 places for adjustments. You think they will produce a bigger quantity than the regular flourescent tubes ? I was going to put one on each side of the plant. Then I have a 4' tube fixture, that holds two bulbs, I was going to put over the top. Also, when its nice out, carry them outside for some real sun. They're small. About 1.5 ft I guess.


Well-Known Member
Not sure exactly. A little less than 2 months. It's a couple different strains. Not sure what they are either.