$15,000 Where do I start


Well-Known Member
Well the building is more than just solar power.... I have infloor radiant heat throughout both the shop portion (1600 sq ft.) and the home on both floors (800sqft 1st 800sqft 2ndflr).
The beauty of the infloor radiant heat is that when I put in the hydronic tubing for it you have to make your zones i.e. one zone first floor of house one for 2nd floor but the shop area is alotta square footage so I split it into different zones.... one of those zones is the 40foot by 7foot area... it has its own thermostat for that zone so the heat part is already done.
As for cooling I have what is called a Mini-split ac system which is one box on the first floor and one on the second floor portion of the home. it's basically a box that sits on the wall but its a very expensive box and doesn't require any ductwork to be laid out so for the grow room it will be as simple as addng another "box" to the system.

I DO need advice on a good charcoal filtration system I heard those were the route to go with any decent size grow room... as I will be splitting it into a veg side and a flowering side at first I am guessing I will need two of them or Can I run ducting through both rooms? What brands are good again keep in mind I will need one large enough for 280SqFt of space. Also need advice on good ozone generators. Thanks
This is the ozone generator that i have and it works great. UVONAIR 5000 OZONE GENERATOR HYDROPONICS FAST SHIP - eBay (item 180236168241 end time Aug-21-08 09:30:09 PDT). YOU will probably need carbon can filter like one of these http://www.hydroasis.com/hy/productdetail.aspx?id=980&product=can-66-412-cfm-and-12-collar or http://www.hydroasis.com/hy/productdetail.aspx?id=979&product=can-50-420-cfm-and-6-collar I would also wire my exaust fan into a attic fan thermostat like this https://www.rollitup.org/hydroponics-aeroponics/94811-al-b-faqt-9.html that is how i have mine wired. I would also get a CO2 atmospheric controller and a co2 kit. This is the one i have and it work very well http://cgi.ebay.com/CAP-CO2-2-Climate-Controller-CO2-Timers-Hydroponics_W0QQitemZ280250986931QQihZ018QQcategoryZ3186QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem with this http://cgi.ebay.com/CO2-Regulator-PH-Controller-Combo-MA957-SMS122_W0QQitemZ120024562842QQihZ002QQcategoryZ3212QQrdZ1QQssPageNameZWD1VQQcmdZViewItemQQ_trksidZp1638Q2em118Q2el1247. I would also use air cooled hoods with my lighting. You can pull your exhaust through them to pull the heat out. That will help keep the temps down in your room and allow you to lower your hoods closer to your plants.
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Well-Known Member
K stink I just got done reading your entire blog... WOW I think that it would be a good idea for me to go with an aero system very similar to what you have. Here is an address of one that I have heard good things about. AeroFlo2 60-site aeroponics system at Sunburst Hydroponics
Would I be able to utilize all of that? I would have to buy 2 of those which theysell connected version then i could have just one big flowering room! Tell me whatcha think
Here is what I would build for each of your flower rooms. Each Flowering system will cost a little over $100 to build. With this system you would end up with 2-4lbs. every month.

I would run a one month perpetual harvest. Each room would harvest every other month. It may be more like 9 weeks though depending on the strain.

This would also give you 4 weeks veg. My plants are 12-18" high after 3 weeks. I would imagine another week would put them close to 24" high when they go to flower. If I'm getting 1-2oz. per plant you should be able to get the same x 36 plant sites...yea baby!

I forgot to put the drain valve on the plans but you can see how I did it in the photos. You can just freestyle the frame depending on the measurements of the reservoir. You need to make the back end at least 2" higher than the front so the water will drain.

You should be able to build both systems in about a day. Most of the materials you can get at Home Depot. The sprayers and net pots will have to be purchased at a hydro shop.

Good Luck bro!



Well-Known Member
I recommend checking out these two threads if you are looking for ideas for your room by ALB. https://www.rollitup.org/hydroponics-aeroponics/6592-get-harvest-every-2-weeks.html and https://www.rollitup.org/hydroponics-aeroponics/15030-batch-clones-rockwool.html. If you decide to go hydro i would recommend ebb and flood tables with at least 2 or 3 400w HPS and air cooled hoods. Ebb and flood has very few things to go wrong. The only thing you will have to do is check the pH and ppm's and change your nutes on schedule, once you get it going. I can get 15 oz every 6 to 8 weeks in a 3x3 grow tent with one 400w HPS.
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Active Member
Okay Stinkbud thanks for that plan it's awesome... i've been drawing up the plans with a guy I met who's helped ALOT tonight. one question about the plan you gave me for the aero setup... 100" of post then another what foot on the tank for a total of 112" length we'll say and the the 36.9" width couldn't i add another two rows making it 5'1.5" and make the length out for another three pots on each end for a total of 136.9" that would let me utilize the whole 12'x5' and gimme instead of 36 plant sites it'd gimme a total of 75 plant sites per room!!!

oh yah one other thing okay is 2 1000watters gnna be enough per room? that'd gimme about 33 and a third watts per sq foot if i added it to 4 600s thatd be 40watts per sq foot and 3 1000's would be 50watts tell me what youthink about those two ideas....


Well-Known Member
I suggest checking this video out


That will give you a good idea of how much you can grow with 6x 1000w per room,
With 2 flowering rooms you could be cropping this every month.

This is in soil, vegged to 2 feet. And lollipoped. This is what you could expect to be cropping every month or 5 weeks if done properly.

I am working on a setup like this myself. Im making 2 flowering rooms, 4 1000w lights each, vegging to 2 feet. I expect to be able to crop 4-8 pounds if not more every 5 weeks once things are set up with C02. I have been growing my 2 strains for almost a year now, so I have really gotten to know them very well and that helps.

The main reason I like a set up like this is it pretty much grows itself, Very little maintenence, I dont have to worry about reservoirs, water pumps, sprayer nozzles getting clogged and most importantly power outages. I can leave for 8 days and if I water before I leave they will be Fine.

And if you take the time to clean everything properly, by clean soil (promix HP is amazing) you will never have to worry about bugs.
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Well-Known Member
Watts per square foot... that is soooooo bad of a measurement... use lumens per square foot and shoot for 8000-10,000 for an OPTIMAL grow room.
Use 600 Watters as they are more efficient and will outperform 1000 Watters in a multi light configuration.



Well-Known Member
Stinkbud thanks for that plan it's awesome... i've been drawing up the plans with a guy I met who's helped ALOT tonight. one question about the plan you gave me for the aero setup... 100" of post then another what foot on the tank for a total of 112" length we'll say and the the 36.9" width couldn't i add another two rows making it 5'1.5" and make the length out for another three pots on each end for a total of 136.9" that would let me utilize the whole 12'x5' and gimme instead of 36 plant sites it'd gimme a total of 75 plant sites per room!!!
The 100" is the longest post you can buy (I think). You may want to leave yourself a little walk around room also. 4 posts may work though, 5 might be tight.

You would need a wider res or use another fencepost to drain into and then drain that into a res. That's what my first aero system I bought does. I have had at least 12 floods with this system though. The hoses are always leaking. My design works a lot better, costs less and is easier to make.

oh yah one other thing okay is 2 1000watters gnna be enough per room? that'd gimme about 33 and a third watts per sq foot if i added it to 4 600s thatd be 40watts per sq foot and 3 1000's would be 50watts tell me what youthink about those two ideas....
Run more lights if you have the power and can control the heat. 3-1ks would be nice, 4 would be fantastic! I was suggesting the minimum light setup. 3 or 4-600s would be work great also.

I'm running 2 - 1000W HPS in my 7x8 closet! I could have run two 600W with great results but I want to replicate the outdoors as much as possible. You need a lot of light to do that. I cool the shit out of them so I can run them as close as a 400 with no burning. I don't care about power cost, I can afford it.

One more thing. After everything is done and you have bud coming out your ears could you do me (and yourself) a big favor? Find a cancer patient in need of some medicine and hook them up for free. That my friend is the biggest high of all!

I know you may think this sounds crazy but I guarantee you will get more JOY out of helping one cancer patient than all the toys you can buy from all the herb money.

My goals are simple. Help the most amount of people grow the most amount of bud to help the most amount of patients.

Sorry to ramble on like that bro...


Well-Known Member
my recomendation on this grow is to maximize...you need to go vertical with it bro.....I saw a vertical room on one of these threads somewhere but I found this for you....drop a bunch of 1000 watters in cool tubes in the middle of the room at different heights and build a vertical setup around that....cant think of any better way to maximize space.....


you can grow twice as much by doing a little research on it. :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
my recomendation on this grow is to maximize...you need to go vertical with it bro.....I saw a vertical room on one of these threads somewhere but I found this for you....drop a bunch of 1000 watters in cool tubes in the middle of the room at different heights and build a vertical setup around that....cant think of any better way to maximize space.....


you can grow twice as much by doing a little research on it. :mrgreen:
I totally agree.. I have a 85 site vertical setup that I built that pushes 2400 watts... 2 sets of 600s stacked on top of eachother. (you can see part of it in my avatar) I run bare bulbs and the plants are about 2 feet away from the light no problems... it creates a wall of green effect on all four sides.

It was pretty easy to build, used screws, 2x4s, metal brackets, vinyl gutters and poly tubing. Only tools needed is a drill, screwdriver, some silicon and your brain.. with all the lights pumps filters fans buckets tubing ect it cost me under 5gs which is pretty good considering buying a vert system that is less than half as many sites costs about 3500 then you still gotta buy lights fans filters pumps tubing etc...

Similar setups I have seen are pushing 1.5 gpw which is unheard of in a flat garden. Right now I only have like 50 plants in there and I am shooting for 1 gpw. thats over 5 lbs dry off of 2400w.

Check out the link in my signature and see what you think. Its at least worth some consideration. If you have some questions about It I can take some more detailed pics for ya! :peace:

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Well-Known Member
15k can go FAST on a grow room if you dont plan it properly, the last thing you want is a half ass grow op that you blew 15k on.


Well-Known Member
15k can go FAST on a grow room if you dont plan it properly, the last thing you want is a half ass grow op that you blew 15k on.
well said... like I was sayin the vertical grow in my sig cost me about 5gs and its nothin more than lights wood gutters n 2x4s. I

f your trying to build a hi yield automated system lets say 10k watts assuming you buy everything new your spending:

bout 5gs just on lights and lighting controls plus another

5gs on air conditioner ducting multiple can fans and carbon filters, dehumidifier ect.

then you have a large chunk on building supplies, wood, nuts, screws, insulation, drywall, mylar, ect. not to mention all the trinkets such as plumbing, medium, pots,timers, pumps and all the other bs i havent named.:confused:

you can not build a fully automated commercial production system on 15gs... no way :blsmoke::peace::mrgreen:


Active Member
Well said FloJo... I have gotten so much information in just the last day that it's going to take me quite sometime to digest it all. They started putting in the foundation for my new place so it'll be done in about 2 months. Hopefully in that time the design will be complete and i'll be able to spend all of December building it.

As for what FloJo was saying... two 12x5-6 foot flowering rooms will need 4 600w or 3 1000w lights that are aircooled to control heat in the summer each will need a timer to control all four lights that has outlets in the timer as well for the other stuff that alone is going to be 5K... then another 5K at least on the air scrubbing room and all the exhausts and filters... plus an ac for in the summer .... plus plus plus 15K is going to give me enough where I can get a good design and build the rooms up the way I want them but won't have enough to finish out the second flowering room till I grow a couple crops even then I may have to start out with only 2 1000ws for the first crop... I have more money to do this but i'm only willing to invest that because I may end up not liking it.. anyways i'll post an update on here in a few days once I do some research on vertial stadium like grows and get some stuff to start building the aeroponic/nft setup which is what I have decided to go with i'm thinking there may be a way to build that in a stadium setup I would just have to make a few turns in the pvc and have a bigger tank for water and a bigger pump for all of it...


Well-Known Member
Well said FloJo... I have gotten so much information in just the last day that it's going to take me quite sometime to digest it all. They started putting in the foundation for my new place so it'll be done in about 2 months. Hopefully in that time the design will be complete and i'll be able to spend all of December building it.

As for what FloJo was saying... two 12x5-6 foot flowering rooms will need 4 600w or 3 1000w lights that are aircooled to control heat in the summer each will need a timer to control all four lights that has outlets in the timer as well for the other stuff that alone is going to be 5K... then another 5K at least on the air scrubbing room and all the exhausts and filters... plus an ac for in the summer .... plus plus plus 15K is going to give me enough where I can get a good design and build the rooms up the way I want them but won't have enough to finish out the second flowering room till I grow a couple crops even then I may have to start out with only 2 1000ws for the first crop... I have more money to do this but i'm only willing to invest that because I may end up not liking it.. anyways i'll post an update on here in a few days once I do some research on vertial stadium like grows and get some stuff to start building the aeroponic/nft setup which is what I have decided to go with i'm thinking there may be a way to build that in a stadium setup I would just have to make a few turns in the pvc and have a bigger tank for water and a bigger pump for all of it...
I think thats a great idea.. start small and get to know the ins and outs of growing how you want to grow before you go balls deep and blow your wad!

Vertical is def the way to go... its the wave of the future as far as yeilds are concerned and a stadium style isnt that hard especially if doing it in soil... just cinder blocks and planks... doing a vertical like mine is more labor intensive but well worth it when speaking in terms of canopy sq footage compared to footprint... either way take it slow.. find out what works best for you an maybe build up a little more capital to invest so when you do decide how you want to go you can do it top notch!! best of luck!



Well-Known Member
yeah man...I cant stress vertical setup enough....first time I saw it I was sold on the idea 100% unfortunately I just dont have the room for it..... but the area you have available is about damn perfect for it....I cant wait to see what you go with :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Yeah.... a vertical three thousand in each of those rooms would be about the most out of control thing that I've seen.