Meh 50/50 split on this. Only large chains should give a pay bump. Was watching a documentary on fast food chains. Apparently when you make like a thousand percent profit you can afford to up everyone's pay to a somewhat acceptable pay grade without it damaging your profits in the slightest. Like the higher ups at mcdonalds making a 200% profit, yeah..definitely can afford it.
On the other hand smaller chains and businesses can't. So the downside as someone mentioned will be less hours, less employees.
And on the other side, most minimum wage jobs are skill-less, labor-less jobs that a monkey can do. But at the end of the day we still rely on them. I go to a restaurant because im too lazy to cook, I go through a drive through because I want it made and I want it fast. So them living paycheck to paycheck kinda sucks. Definitely a double-edged sword situation. But there's no excuse for large cooperations who relies on their workers to not pay them a bit higher than the amount of profits they make wouldn't affect them.