$15 Minimum Wage Passes In SeaTac Washington

A key difference between us is that I see a forum as a place to have a conversation. I didn't know the details, I'd just heard that a court had stepped in and said the town lacked authority. That's what I posted, since no one else had mentioned it. Someone else posted a story with more details.

vinny: you said that train rarely ever comes by at 4:30 am
clerk: yeah. it usually comes by at 4:15 am
What's the devry reference? I thought you went to one of the ivies.

Buck used to be one of my biggest "fans." He defended me from petty attacks about my intelligence, etc. Then he found himself disagreeing with me more often and started posting the same bullshit he used to attack.

He doesn't like me now because he has trouble winning arguments with me. Rather than actually having a substantive argument, Buck would rather say "You're a liar, you're an idiot, you're a racist."
A key difference between us is that I see a forum as a place to have a conversation. I didn't know the details, I'd just heard that a court had stepped in and said the town lacked authority. That's what I posted, since no one else had mentioned it. Someone else posted a story with more details.

Lesson learnt then. This is not time and talk. The politics sub forum is a dog eat world. It seems an unwritten rule that if you make an uninformed statement, as this was, then you are at the mercy of the pack. This is definitely not the place to try and have a conversation :-D
Do you remember what you disagreed about or is it everything at this point?

I have no idea why Buck so suddenly and violently flipped. I really don't care. I come here to have fun arguing, learning, and testing what I believe. He comes to call people names. So be it.
I have no idea why Buck so suddenly and violently flipped.

it wasn't sudden and violent, it was gradual. i only started to chime in after you went full retard and tried to tell us that the admissions office told you the exact race and SES of the person who took your spot.

admissions doesn't do that, and it turns out you just assumed.
it wasn't sudden and violent, it was gradual. i only started to chime in after you went full retard and tried to tell us that the admissions office told you the exact race and SES of the person who took your spot.

admissions doesn't do that, and it turns out you just assumed.

You went off long before that happened. And still seem to be lying about it, because I never said any such thing. You just called me a liar and now you're going to actually lie about what I said?
You went off long before that happened. And still seem to be lying about it, because I never said any such thing. You just called me a liar and now you're going to actually lie about what I said?

was i right about bignbushy being your older brother?
you have trouble winning arguments with yourself lately, kiddo.

Evidently not. You have to resort to calling "Liar! Racist! Contradiction!" versus actually having a discussion. Substance is your enemy. It undermines what you say and what you believe in, which is why you don't rely on it.
Evidently not. You have to resort to calling "Liar! Racist! Contradiction!" versus actually having a discussion. Substance is your enemy. It undermines what you say and what you believe in, which is why you don't rely on it.

what am i supposed to do when you rely on lies of omission, self concocted tales of bigoted persecution straight out of the fiction aisle, or derive a contradiction out of your own arguments?

are you saying my goal in argument should be to not hurt your poor little feelings?
I have no relationship with anyone in this forum in real life. I frequently attack his points because I disagree with them, not because it's some kind of family squabble.

i believe you. but i did nail deprave and lifegoesonbrah, and i am still proud of that for some reason.
Buck used to be one of my biggest "fans." He defended me from petty attacks about my intelligence, etc. Then he found himself disagreeing with me more often and started posting the same bullshit he used to attack.

He doesn't like me now because he has trouble winning arguments with me. Rather than actually having a substantive argument, Buck would rather say "You're a liar, you're an idiot, you're a racist."

as opposed to me who just put you on ignore because i recognized from the get go just what a little pukehead you are..
what am i supposed to do when you rely on lies of omission, self concocted tales of bigoted persecution straight out of the fiction aisle, or derive a contradiction out of your own arguments?

are you saying my goal in argument should be to not hurt your poor little feelings?

1) There was no lie of omission. I didn't know what the exact ruling was, I'd only heard that there had been a ruling. My statement was certainly ignorant--that was the point of the post--but obviously not a lie of any sort.

2) I never claimed any kind of bigoted persecution. I was not eligible for any special consideration because I was white. Other people with inferior credentials--without any measurement of SES--received special consideration. The point of my post in that affirmative action topic was to condemn the use of race-based affirmative action over SES-based affirmative action. I think SES is far more meaningful than race.

3) What you try to label as contradiction is often not. Your typical approach is to take a general statement that is generally true and then to find an exception. If your opponent acknowledges that you're correctly identified an exception, you declare that they've contradicted themselves and invalidated the rest of their argument. Obviously this tactic is spurious.

Finally, you should know you never hurt my feelings. I'm not silly enough to take things said anonymously on the internet seriously.
as opposed to me who just put you on ignore because i recognized from the get go just what a little pukehead you are..

For professional reasons I'm rather limited in expressing my political opinions in the real world. I don't have an office on Capitol Hill anymore. Accordingly, I am violently outspoken here. This is an entertaining outlet for dissecting a lot of the bullshit I hear in real life but have to hold my tongue for.
Meh 50/50 split on this. Only large chains should give a pay bump. Was watching a documentary on fast food chains. Apparently when you make like a thousand percent profit you can afford to up everyone's pay to a somewhat acceptable pay grade without it damaging your profits in the slightest. Like the higher ups at mcdonalds making a 200% profit, yeah..definitely can afford it.

On the other hand smaller chains and businesses can't. So the downside as someone mentioned will be less hours, less employees.

And on the other side, most minimum wage jobs are skill-less, labor-less jobs that a monkey can do. But at the end of the day we still rely on them. I go to a restaurant because im too lazy to cook, I go through a drive through because I want it made and I want it fast. So them living paycheck to paycheck kinda sucks. Definitely a double-edged sword situation. But there's no excuse for large cooperations who relies on their workers to not pay them a bit higher than the amount of profits they make wouldn't affect them.

we went round and round with this in another thread.

McBurger's corporate operations make huge profits, but the franchisee has much tighter margins.

most restaurant/foodservice operations spend ~40% of their gross on just payroll, if you could cite where you got your claimed 1000% margin, or McBurgers execs making 200% "profit" that would be grand.

Protip: executives dont make "profit", they collect compensation, with the expectation that their efforts will generate profit.
we went round and round with this in another thread.

McBurger's corporate operations make huge profits, but the franchisee has much tighter margins.

most restaurant/foodservice operations spend ~40% of their gross on just payroll, if you could cite where you got your claimed 1000% margin, or McBurgers execs making 200% "profit" that would be grand.

Protip: executives dont make "profit", they collect compensation, with the expectation that their efforts will generate profit.

i would like to get some hard numbers on this.
Ok so bottom line $15/hour is an absolute joke for non skilled labor. That's more than I make with a college degree. If I was forced to pay that much to my employees, I would fire all of the fucktards who helped push this stupid law into existence and hire competent employees. So bottom line, all of these idiots who fucked up in life and now feel some sort of entitlement to be paid more than they should be would be out on their ass. Of course Obama would be there to pay them handsomely through welfare anyway...