15 mins to police come - threatnd :D


Well-Known Member
nah taurus canna.....

listen here, she just fucking try'd to kill me..... haha then she runs to the kitchens grabs pills and acts like she's gona eat em... i cant stand this shit anymore !

Wish my plants would just fucking finish of, so that i can piss off !


Well-Known Member
He doesn't want to leave her!!! It is obvious....If he wanted to leave, he would of been gone. He is playing just as much as her....and he will be the one that gets burned and then he will whine about how she did him wrong.....whine whine whine.....be a man and leave, period...It really is that simple. Oh wait, thats right, you don't want to leave....Come on! Stop playing victim and take control of your own life...Geesh.


Well-Known Member
jt ..... yeah ok dude... its my fucking apartment ok !

I did all the fucking investing my money..... so yeah i got every right to fucking whine if i wanted to i am not whining... just fucking freak'd that she's fucking playing around with me life...

As soon as plants are down i am out..... !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Swear to god....


Well-Known Member
I sure hope you mean that....
I am telling you from experience...cut your losses and leave! Things will get worse, and she has proven that she is capable of doing the un-thinkable. There are certain lines you do not cross, she clearly crossed them....Set her free! Don't reep what you sow....


Well-Known Member
I sure hope you mean that....
I am telling you from experience...cut your losses and leave! Things will get worse, and she has proven that she is capable of doing the un-thinkable. There are certain lines you do not cross, she clearly crossed them....Set her free! Don't reep what you sow....

dude she is nuts !!!!!! Nuts !!!!!!

my god i've never met someone else like her... so spitefull..... full of hate...

ahhh man....... make's me turn in to a bastard sometimes aswell.. i get real snappy at my friends.. whats the point :(

i am gona go asap. ! That means as soon as i've cut down the shit.. then i will stop grwng for a year... and then i'll go huge !



Well-Known Member
You're STILL mucking around with this gal, DWR? Ok, new plan needed. Time to start medicating her. Can you slip her a mickey?


Well-Known Member
DWR- do yourself a favor and don't tell her your intents...Also don't be too nice or too mean....She will figure it out! Act as you always do and then just be gone...no forwarding number or address. If she tracks you down to your dads home get a restraining order, have a trail of paperwork to follow yourself....so when she decides to try to get you locked up again you can pull out all your paperwork and prove to the po po she is a nut case....she is vindictive and will try to destroy you, don't ever doubt it...Good luck.


Well-Known Member
You're STILL mucking around with this gal, DWR? Ok, new plan needed. Time to start medicating her. Can you slip her a mickey?

whats that... im interested... :mrgreen::blsmoke:

Im not mucking round :cry: Just couldnt move to my mums house cuz she pisses me off with her all day life.... and when u talk to her she gets all like well u deserv'd it but when she has something done to her its the end of the world...

My dad is cool....... Thats why i am moving there soon.... We didnt have a good relationship a year ago, now we get along good.... ;)


so whats the mickey.. ?


Well-Known Member
It's an old timey thing, I actually don't know specifically what it is, but I remember when I was a kid that in the movies they'd always talk about slipping someone a mickey, and that person would be passed out cold.

Whenever my father was a real asshole, we'd spike his food with whatever meds we could find in the cabinet (he's a doc, we had a pharmacy at our disposal :lol: He almost never slept as well as he did when he fucked with us girls too much). :twisted:


Well-Known Member
(he's a doc, we had a pharmacy at our disposal :lol: He almost never slept as well as he did when he fucked with us girls too much). :twisted:
literally fucked? or just fucked with the mind n shit ? :twisted:
no offense intended :peace:

b2t: may we ask for pics?

did this nut-case at least come with some nice pussy, or was she just a complete waste of time? :D


Well-Known Member
a mickey is the size of bottle of hard stuff you have a forty [40 oz]..a 26er [ 26 oz].. and then a mickey[10 onces]..the mickey was easy to hide.. i am canadian so there will be different names ... maybe a1/5 in the states


Well-Known Member
a mickey is the size of bottle of hard stuff you have a forty [40 oz]..a 26er [ 26 oz].. and then a mickey[10 onces]..the mickey was easy to hide.. i am canadian so there will be different names ... maybe a1/5 in the states
hard stuff?

sry dont know that slang...


Well-Known Member
I say put her out of "your" apt, unless she is on the lease. It is starting to sound like you don't really wanna leave, and you feed into it just as much as she is. I would put her out, at whatever cost, she is too close to home to battle her on your terms. You need to separate yourself from her completely. She sound just like my baby mama, crazy and ignorant as all hell. Long story, but nonetheless she sounds very similar. So, my advice is to get away from her asap, if she on the lease ask her to leave and go stay with, friends, fam, parents, or whatever. Her being there is compounding the issue to the limit. Shake that hoe man, she young and dumb. There are plenty of normal fish in the sea, cast a line out after you get your gear back in order. Trust what I'm tellin you man, you gonna end up in jail or fucked up. Take all this advice we giving you.


Well-Known Member
It is starting to sound like you don't really wanna leave, and you feed into it just as much as she is. I would put her out, at whatever cost, she is too close to home to battle her on your terms.
the problem is he just wants to harvest first. understandable.. put all that hard work into it. he wants to put a little more hard work into it (dealing with the crazy one) so he can reap the rewards of his labor, then she is GONE FOR GOOD. I'd make sure she knows the plants are gone before you leave her.

Take all this advice we giving you.
always listen to any advice given to you, but be careful what you follow. do what you think is best.


Well-Known Member
nah taurus canna.....

listen here, she just fucking try'd to kill me..... haha then she runs to the kitchens grabs pills and acts like she's gona eat em... i cant stand this shit anymore !

Wish my plants would just fucking finish of, so that i can piss off !
HOW did she try to kill you? She's running to the pills for attention. Does she get pissy whenever you're on RIU? Damn this sounds like it's getting worse. Doesn't she have any friends to stay with? I'd be afraid to sleep next to that one!


Well-Known Member
HOW did she try to kill you? She's running to the pills for attention. Does she get pissy whenever you're on RIU? Damn this sounds like it's getting worse. Doesn't she have any friends to stay with? I'd be afraid to sleep next to that one!
dam this is one crazy bitch lmao


Well-Known Member
She try'd to attack me with a knife....... haha she even swung ... omg ^^

oh well, hey guy's i told you i am gona leave... and I will ;)

It's just hard to leave esp. when u have invested allot of your money for the new apart. moving out... cleaning the old apartment.... costs money.... set me back....

........ peace