15 year sentence need help


Well-Known Member
i recently went to jail got my ass beat at the bar pretty sure i had a concusion that night but i ended up in jail with my custom glass blown jar with about 1 g in it and now they r trying to get me with the habitual affinder 15 year sentence 3 year mandatory i have two other felonys on my record one for selling weed thanks for being gay iowa possesion with a scale and a buglary for destruction of property thanks once again for being gay iowa what the fuck a concusion isnt enough to get this knowingly bringing drugs into the jail felony dropped any help would be great or else its no taco meat for three years


Active Member
why are you carrying weed and getting into bar fights when you already got 2 strikes?

i mean i'm not raggin on you or anything but, it is, what it is, sooner or later you got accept that and decide how your gonna use what you got left. you've been around the block enough times at this point to know the game and what happens when you loose, so all thats left is you deciding if your gonna play, how your gonna play and how much everything is worth to you.


Active Member
^ fuck you guys, get off your high horse. I wish I know enough to help but don't. All I can say is get outta iowa move when you can. I hope evrything works out for you.


Active Member
sounds like you shoulda beat that person or persons down before you got ur ass kicked lol sorry not tryin 2 be a dick But you would really think that someone with 2 strikes already would b a bit smarter about the shit you carry on you. get a good lawyer, you'll be alright


Well-Known Member
I thought 3rd time offenders received life, so 15 years sounds like a bargain. But I'm not trying to minimize the trouble you're in. But remember, the prosecutors always shoot high hoping to offer u a deal (maybe 10 years) so they don't have to go thru the court thing. I've had the jail's "mystery meat" a number of times and even the rats wouldn't touch it!!! LOL
I know after my conviction, I moved 5 states over to start over and get away from the stigma of the arrest. So, my only suggestion would be 1) Canada or Costa Rica and 2) find a sympathetic lawyer to help minimize the sentencing. Good luck with it.......