150 hps and buds are fluffy as shit

soldier coleone

Active Member
well i jux got through my first harvest under a 150 watt hps with foxfarm ocean forest and the earth juice line up which was grow bloom microblast and cataylst. well the buds seemed dence as fuck when on the plant but now that they are dry and curing those damn things are fluffy does this usually happen with low wattage hps lights? or am i doing something wrong. but anyway i made the switch to chemical nutes this next grow we will see how that turns out

soldier coleone

Active Member
i did i now added another 150 i wouldve liked to get a 400 but i bought the 150 for 50 bucks and you think i could do 4 good plants with these 2 150's or i thought about doing 2 scrogs one with a hempy bucket and one it soil idk im still trying to find out what i want to do


Well-Known Member
Fluffy buds can also be caused by excessive heat.

Hows your environmental control?

Enough air out and air in?
Temps within 65-75F/18-25C?
Any deficiencies?
Plant to tall for the light?

A single 150w should be good for about 10inches of penetration.


soldier coleone

Active Member
@jondamon shoot i didnt think about that of course i didnt know about that thanks for bringing that to my attention. what i do is leave the closet open most of the time since im home all damn day long and then when lights get ready to shut off i close up the closet also my lil fan kicks on when my light kicks on they are on the same timer reason being for that is its been getting cold as hell here like dipping to the 30's at night. and another thing yes i let my plant get too big for my lil light this last time. i guess its a learning process i mean ive been lurking around here and different other forums for along time like a couple of years reading alot of info but its totally different when your actually doing it

Jar Man

Active Member
Exactly! It's one thing to read and acquire all the knowledge, and then quite another to actually experience doing it yourself. Several factors could have caused more fluffy and airy buds than you expected. Slightly cooler temps and better air flow are conducive to tighter solid buds. But also the buds being picked slightly early can cause the same problem. Some plants that are even 5-6 days immature will look swollen, solid and finished on the plant, only to shrink unexpectedly with calyxes shriveling more than they would with fully mature buds when dry. 150 HPS, particularly 2 on just 4 plants should have worked just fine. I've grown micro-style in converted bedroom furniture with double 150 HPS bloom chambers for years with excellent solid bud results (Hindu Kush and formerly NL#5) as good as any 1000 w grow setup. Finally, some particular strains just don't finish out with as solid and dense buds as others.

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
some might argue , but to me its pretty much fact , more light equals harder bigger denser buds ,not saying you cant achieve that with less light but it takes more skill and knowledge of your plants .


Well-Known Member
Fluffy buds can also be caused by excessive heat.

Hows your environmental control?

Enough air out and air in?
Temps within 65-75F/18-25C?
Any deficiencies?
Plant to tall for the light?

A single 150w should be good for about 10inches of penetration.


I agree the plants must be with in a foot of the 150hps to receive strong Enuff light for hard buds.
I use plexi glass to seal the heat away from the plants an them keep it about2 in from a level canopy.


Well-Known Member
I agree the plants must be with in a foot of the 150hps to receive strong Enuff light for hard buds.
I use plexi glass to seal the heat away from the plants an them keep it about2 in from a level canopy.

Checkout the link in my sig if you want to see how close I can get my 600w to my canopy.
