150 watt bagseed grow


Hello riu, i am new to posting, but have been lurking and reading for a while now. I have some bagseed started which i plan to mother out and take a few clones from to flower and decide the sex of the mother. i will post pictures as soon as i can, i hope to recieve feedback, and any questions on the grow are absolutely welcome.

My grow space has not been completely setup, the plants are under 20/4 hours light and were started 3 weeks ago. i hope after some more growth to move the plants to a larger room to mother. i will be posting pictures frequently to update.

i am using 1 150 watt hps sunsytem, ff grow big plant food, and started them under 2 26 watt cfl's for about 2 weeks before i placed them under the hps light.IMG_0279.jpgIMG_0280.jpgIMG_0281.jpgIMG_0282.jpgIMG_0283.jpgIMG_0284.jpgIMG_0285.jpgImg_00444.jpeg


I like it but why do you cut off the tips of some of your leaves?
i tend to cut off the tips oncein a while to allow light to reach the lower new sprouts. if anyone has an idea i also tend to cut full leaves off that have no new shoots. i do not cut alot but just the ones blcking space and preventing growth from newer brances down below.


Well-Known Member
Either rotate those plants occasionally, or move the one on the far right in front of the other two because the position its in, in the photos, isn't giving it enough light it seems.


Either rotate those plants occasionally, or move the one on the far right in front of the other two because the position its in, in the photos, isn't giving it enough light it seems.

yea i started noticing that one of them was not really under the light. i need to hange area so they have a large enough room to grow. and situate the other plant under the light


just trimmed up some large fan leaves to allow light to reach lower branches. Im hoping to have a couple colas. I want to take a clone from each and mother the female out to collect more clones. I will post updated pictures shortly.


Well-Known Member
I trim unnecessary fan leaves constantly. about every 2 weeks or so. minus the first 2 weeks of flower. but by the time they get to the last week they dont have a single fan leaf so the buds can get as much light as possible. i havent seen any negative effects of it yet and ive been doin this for years

Good luck!


I trim unnecessary fan leaves constantly. about every 2 weeks or so. minus the first 2 weeks of flower. but by the time they get to the last week they dont have a single fan leaf so the buds can get as much light as possible. i havent seen any negative effects of it yet and ive been doin this for years

Good luck!
Awesome! I'm glad to see im on the right track. I will post those pics soon.


Well-Known Member
imo dont clip any green fan leaves try and keep healthy entire grow yield/quality will be better.


Well-Known Member
imo dont clip any green fan leaves try and keep healthy entire grow yield/quality will be better.
I appreciate your opinion but id have to disagree.

Especially if youve got a pretty indica heavy strain. those fan leaves will block out the sun. haha

i always found i get better yeild/quality. especially if i remove almost all fan leaves that arent part of buds for the last week and drop my light a few more inches. the lowest bud on my plant is rock solid.

But if youre a newer grower i wouldnt go too hard with choppin fan leaves just in case you run into pests/ mold because they might not be able to bounce back as well


Well-Known Member
^really man? i did check out your grow i bet you anything dont trim and youl see improvements.they dont block sunlight they are what take the sunlight it, not the buds you can have huge colas hidden right under fan leaves that receive almost no light. but hey what ever you do its up to you and your smoke.


thanks for all of the input guys. I will be sure to take it all in. i will be posting the pictures of the trimmed ladies in a few days, most likely Monday afternoon. I also noticed, i chopped the largest fan leaves that were not going to gr5ow anymore so i figured they were just focusing energy somewhere else.there are at least a few smaller fan leaves on each one of the new branches that i will leave alone. once again those pics will be up soon.


Well-Known Member
^really man? i did check out your grow i bet you anything dont trim and youl see improvements.they dont block sunlight they are what take the sunlight it, not the buds you can have huge colas hidden right under fan leaves that receive almost no light. but hey what ever you do its up to you and your smoke.

i feel it but i leave all the ones coming out of buds on there. its mostly just those big ass fan leaves that grow on the middle stem.

And you gotta do it slow. i dont just chop off every fan leaf the second they start flowering. DEFINITELY DO NOT DO THAT! 5 hear 10 a few weeks later and a handful more a week or 2 before harvest.

also ive ran this strain though a dozen harvests and never decreased in yeild from one to the next. but maybe some strains are less receiving to this method.


i just went and checked on the plants and gave water. I actually switched the are they were in to a new area that is larger for them. i trimmed those large fan leaves and now there is more where the new growth is so i am satisfied. I am thinking about getting another light to spread them out more so i will update when i do that. other than that they are growing and developing some tops that i want to focus on building. here are the updated photo's and there is more to come in another week or so.



Well-Known Member
lookin good!

you should start tying those branches down

loop some string around the branch punch a hole in the pot and tie it.

make em all horizontal and youll see some nice bud spots pop up when you flower


sounds good next few days im gonna try it out but remember want to mother these out in a month or so from now, take clones flowers those clones determine sex, toss males, and do a grow with some clones from the bag seed and then ,go and buy good seeds or a specific strain and try again. i want to make sure i can clone and keep a mother alive as well as training certain bud points, before flowering randoms. thanks for staying with the thread i will update in a few days or so.


Well-Known Member
sounds good next few days im gonna try it out but remember want to mother these out in a month or so from now, take clones flowers those clones determine sex, toss males, and do a grow with some clones from the bag seed and then ,go and buy good seeds or a specific strain and try again. i want to make sure i can clone and keep a mother alive as well as training certain bud points, before flowering randoms. thanks for staying with the thread i will update in a few days or so.

i feel it

what kind of clone solution and cloning medium do you have??


im going to get clonex just a dip and place. im going to use rock wool cubes. i have not cloned before but looked alto of forums and research so i hope i get it the first time. i will update soon. i hope others follow especially because its a 150 watt really inexpensive. Im interested to see how it goes myself really. i also want to test the difference between 1000 watts and 150 depending on the focus of bud sites. keep posted im just learning as i go.


Well-Known Member
sounds good but if you havent bought the rockwool yet id recommend rapid rooters

theyre like jet puffed dirt. i like them because the hole to put them in is alot tighter so you get better contact with the stem/gel/rooter

theyre the same price plus or minus a buck

grab that and some perlite and a little tray and dome set up and you cant lose!