150 Watt Closet Autoflower Grow [Russian Rocket Fuel]

:leaf::leaf:Day 31

stretched almost 3in in the past 2 days, lots of bud sights, lots of stank, lots of happiness.:leaf:

also a few pics of two plant, outdoors in FFOF, i was told they may be autos, i have no idea what kind, i pretty much did a set it and forget it...

play on


Active Member
I'm subbed man. I love watching autoflower strains grow. I just started some afghan kush auto's 2 weeks ago and I'm thinking if I like the results I may use auto's to get a sog going.


Well-Known Member
Hey man i am watching u got a fan looks great i love AUTOS but only tried Lowryder 1
Use bloom nutes low low doses after day 20 and bat guano small molaesse if you dont mind ill post pick of this muntant lowryder been growing for 90days and still going and its supposed to start n finish 60 days total
I'm subbed man. I love watching autoflower strains grow. I just started some afghan kush auto's 2 weeks ago and I'm thinking if I like the results I may use auto's to get a sog going.
glad to hear it man! good luck with those AKs. autos are a lot of fun a good way to hone your skills IMO. throw a pic up id love to see them..
Hey man i am watching u got a fan looks great i love AUTOS but only tried Lowryder 1
Use bloom nutes low low doses after day 20 and bat guano small molaesse if you dont mind ill post pick of this muntant lowryder been growing for 90days and still going and its supposed to start n finish 60 days total
please do token, i always enjoy looking at other autos for comparison. and im doin the same thing, gallon jugs of bubbled distilled water with teaspoon of big bloom and teaspoon of tigerbloom with a half tablespoon of molasses. no burn yet and it looks quite healthy.


Active Member
She is for sure starting to grow faster and faster. She is looking good. What is the finish time on this strain? Not that they are always accurate.....
had to throw the plant outside today due to some smell problems..going from 24/7 light to around 8/16 shouldn't be a problem right? unfortunatley i think i have to finish off the grow this way..
irst day outside! Day 38

Anybody have any clue what these scars on the leaf could be? there on a few lower leaves and im thinking its nute burn? should i flush? or just continue with plain distilled water for a week?
Day 42

flushed 2 days ago with gallon of bubbled distilled. just fed today with half strength Tiger/Big Bloom. Soaken up the Sun :booya:



Active Member
Looks excellent !

My autos are on day 28 and they look around the same as yours height wise, but then in the following 3 days yours sprouted a ton ! Hoping to see similar results.
Hope it continues to stay that healthy dude.
what strain are you growing? and me too man i really hope they start to dense up because right now theres not much bud there...and its day 44 i think
new pics, still having some leaf tip issues but no decrease in growth. i think switching from indoor 24/7 hps light to outdoors 8 hours light, 16 dark shocked her quite a bit but the few days ive seen alot of trich production so hopefully shes recovering. heres some peectures para todos


btw, Day 44


Active Member
Im growing Anglematic and Vertigo at the moment, they've barely been flowering for a week but I've just given them their first load of bio-bloom and molasses which should boost the budding.