150W HPS Cabinet Grow! Seeds & Clones


Well-Known Member
Hey hey everyone! This is my second grow ever. I had one before that was a bastard child under harsh conditions, but got a decent grow off just 2 23w CFLs (see sig). I've got a journal going, but it's not gettin any love and being a cabinet I know my grow bleongs in here!

Here's what I've got: 11" deep, 22" wide, 3' tall cabinet with a 150w hps and some ventilation! 5 seedlings (out of 7 seeds, 2 didnt sprout), and 2 clones. Romulan and Super Silver Haze

Clones are pretty dang new at this point, seedlings were just popped out of the ground. The pic shows my setup a little bit, I have the lexan between light and plants to act as a cooltube venting the hot air before it hits the plants.

Everything lookin great, clones starting to grow quite a few new leaves and seedlings gettin bigger!

11/04 we had these pics:
1) Flowering Romulan next to a water bottle, I started a minor LST today so I can get better light coverage on it. It's still getting 24/0 light so it's crazy that it's flowering! It's a clone...unless it's the clone of an autoflower? (or if it's just sexing, i'm no pro)

2) Romulan in the foreground with Super Silver Haze behind it

3) Super Silver Haze. Not quite as desnly packed as the romulan, but I bet that's from the flowering

4) All my seedlings, the 2 empty cups are duds and I threw them out after the pic also. Seedlings are doing AWESOME


Well-Known Member
Aaaand today I got some new pics! Things are lookin great. And I know I need to get that one clone out of the party cup ASAP. I'm sure its close to rootbound by now. Also snapped a pic of the huge seedling thats powering by the others, and the next biggest.




Well-Known Member
Man! All I've got to say, is that romulan is going freakin NUTS! As far as I can tell, a new chute is starting at the base of every single fan leaf, It has at least 10 tops at this point, I can't believe it! I can't even open up the canopy well enough to get good light down to everything yet haha! I'm workin on it though, it's lovin life. I'll snap some pics of it lata!


Well-Known Member
Tough crowd haha! Well for those who are interested, my babies are mostly happy! They got a little yellow on the leaf edges when I tried my tap water...no bueno so they are getting bottles ATM! I haven't gone as far as PH testing or any of that so I'm sure that is the issue, but they seem happy on the bottles so I'm not worried about it. Look at the recent growth!

First we have the Romulan. I can't believe how many tops this thing is pushing out...everything is a top haha! One thing I'm worried about is a little bleaching of some of it's leaves, they seem to have lost a little green.

The super silver haze...definately a sativa strain! I think I'm going to be playing around with cloning on both of these guys, for fun if no other reason! The Romulan seems to be a hell of a growing strain though.

And here are 4 of my seedlings. The left in the second pic is biggest by far, pretty awesome!


Well-Known Member
Well, things are lookin pretty dang happy! I finally took a few pics away from the HPS so you can see the colors!

First up we have my Romulan clone. It's loving life for the most part! It has a few leaves that are losing color that I pictured. The veins are still a nice dark green, and the ones losing color were nearest the top of the plant, closest to the light. The very yellow one I pulled down just before the pic. What do you guys think is causing the yellow?

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Here are 2 of my seedlings looking happy. The one on the left is my biggest by far! It's lovin life, just has a little N deficiency I believe, but looks different than the Romulan's issues!

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Well-Known Member
Ahhh! Help me guys! The one above that I thought was showing an N deficiency now has some bad spots on a few leaves. All the other ones seem pretty damn happy and aren't showing the same symptoms...wassup!? Sorry for the discolored pics again, under the HPS. The first is it next to one of my clones trying to show a color difference, the second is one of the 2 or 3 affected leaves.

And then I thought this was pretty damn pimp looking...one pic uploaded on 10/29, and here we sit about 2 and a half weeks later! My little garden is pretty happy :-P


Well-Known Member
Hey there. Nice grow you got going. I also have a 150W, how are your temps in that cab? Autoflowers can't be cloned so i'm guessing you have a really mature clone that's showing preflowers. I don't know what the spots are from though. Try taking it out from under the HPS so we can get the actual color. I would guess nutrient burn, it looks like burning from that pic. You have to provide more info, can't just ask what's wrong.


Well-Known Member
Thanks man! the temps in the cab have been in the 60's and 70's, peaking in the upper 70's. I generally have the door open with a fan blowing in there. I also concluded that the Romulan is just very mature. Every new node has a few hairs, but none are progressing as buds. The plant is seriously insane. I have at least a dozen tops to work with on it right now. Every single node is putting out a full chute....it LOVES the LST. I'm definately going to have to attempt my first clone off her. It's a sight to see from underneath haha. I'll have to show you guys sometime. They are all in FFOF soil, and once I started noticing the yellowing leaves on the seedling I gave all of them a veeeery minor feeding of grow big. All the other ones seem to be happy with it, this one not so much. They get bottled water, I tried tap once but they started to react so I reverted to bottles. They all seem to be happy with it


Thanks man! the temps in the cab have been in the 60's and 70's, peaking in the upper 70's. I generally have the door open with a fan blowing in there. I also concluded that the Romulan is just very mature. Every new node has a few hairs, but none are progressing as buds. The plant is seriously insane. I have at least a dozen tops to work with on it right now. Every single node is putting out a full chute....it LOVES the LST. I'm definately going to have to attempt my first clone off her. It's a sight to see from underneath haha. I'll have to show you guys sometime. They are all in FFOF soil, and once I started noticing the yellowing leaves on the seedling I gave all of them a veeeery minor feeding of grow big. All the other ones seem to be happy with it, this one not so much. They get bottled water, I tried tap once but they started to react so I reverted to bottles. They all seem to be happy with it
Hey whats up man! Im new to growing ...however i think u should try checking the PH levels on the bottled water u are using?

Im using bottle Spring water for my Bubba Kush plant.... but when I checked the PH of the Bottled water the PH was a bit high.... I had to add like 5 drops per gallon of PH DOWN in order to get it to 6.0-6.8 range.

I am on day 24 of my current grow, and so far my bubba kush clone is Thriving on its Fox Farm nutrients...... just a few days ago i started giving Grow Big and Big Bloom at full strength, and shes responding quite well.

I really suggest checking your PH levels on anything you feed your plants, even if its just bottled water.

I am a newbie, so take my advice with that in mind :)

Check my grow out..... it looks like we are using most of the same things except for the lighting.....Im using 6500k CFls for Veg.


Good luck with you plants man, and I hope they get better....

if it was my plant, I would give it a good flush with fresh PH'd water... Good luck man, I hope she gets better soon.


Well-Known Member
Hey whats up man! Im new to growing ...however i think u should try checking the PH levels on the bottled water u are using?

Im using bottle Spring water for my Bubba Kush plant.... but when I checked the PH of the Bottled water the PH was a bit high.... I had to add like 5 drops per gallon of PH DOWN in order to get it to 6.0-6.8 range.

I am on day 24 of my current grow, and so far my bubba kush clone is Thriving on its Fox Farm nutrients...... just a few days ago i started giving Grow Big and Big Bloom at full strength, and shes responding quite well.

I really suggest checking your PH levels on anything you feed your plants, even if its just bottled water.

I am a newbie, so take my advice with that in mind :)

Check my grow out..... it looks like we are using most of the same things except for the lighting.....Im using 6500k CFls for Veg.


Good luck with you plants man, and I hope they get better....

if it was my plant, I would give it a good flush with fresh PH'd water... Good luck man, I hope she gets better soon.
Good advice from a newbie. Water pH varies everywhere.


also....... are you following the FOx Farm SOIL feeding schedule?

generally, you water every other day (depends on how much water you give), and feed nutes every other watering.


Well-Known Member
Thanks guys! I knew PH could be an issue, I was just hoping it wasn't. They definately didn't like something in the tap water, I'd assume PH. Most the girls are VERY happy on the bottles which is what threw me off with this one seedling. I'll look into testing/adjusting the PH and go from there. Thanks for helping me verify guys!

Thanks for the compliments too!

*edit* haha ya snuck that post in while i was typing.

I've only given a minor nute feeding twice, but I'm more scared of over nuting than under nuting so I haven't actually given a pattern yet


Well-Known Member
Don't go by a watering schedule, water when your plants need it. Your pot should feel significantly lighter, then water until some comes out the bottom. The absolute best advice you can give someone is to tell them to read, read, and keep reading. This site is extremely helpful. It's how I've learned most of how to grow. And then you actually start growing and problems still present themselves lol.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I water them by weight, I can tell when the cups feel mostly try then give the girls a decent watering. I don't wait till wilting leaves though!

Unfortunately, the spotty leaves are now on a few seedlings. Got a PH meter and found out the bottles of water I've been feeding are in the 6.8-6.9 PH range, and my tap is 5.8-5.9ish. I've read to shoot for somewhere in the low sixes, like 6.2 so I'm thinking about giving it a blend of the two, whatever gives me the necessary PH.

What do you guys think!?

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Well-Known Member
If you give the solution more water, the concentration of ions will decrease, making it necessary to add more, which takes you back to where you started. get some pH control. pH up or down. still looks like pH to me though. it's odd, the fox farm nutes always made my ph go down...


Well-Known Member
Yeah I've been doing a little reading, and it seems that the purple stems on that seedling indicate high PH, which is also what I thought I had. I started up my other little PC grow box inside the cabinet to spread things out a little bit, and give me a spot for some veg while I ahve some plants flowering in the cabinet. I'm laying that one over ATM as a pretend LST haha