150w hps cool tube stealth closet grow


Well-Known Member
thanks i had the worst new years ever tho, but w.e

oh i only feed it 3/4 of big bloom, just wanna add that so i can look back and remember

pics tonight
Why did you only feed her 3/4 of BB? Not sure why only that but if thats what you want to do its fine, all about what you want and what your plant can handle. Just make sure you track everything you put in your plant.
ill b sure to check them pics out and dont feel bad bro my new years was just as bad or worse lol fuck it though rite just as long as 2011 is a good year for growing:weed:
I am sure there are people who had worse new years then us all, what cool about new year is that its a fresh new start. Dont dwell on shit in the past you cant do shit about it ust focus on your present and future. I lost my mom 3 1/2 weeks ago so trust me, i am thrilled 2011 is here! Have a good new year and get some pics bro! I wanna see them plants.


Active Member

there some pics for ya guys sorry for postin them in ur thread b16 but i figured u wouldnt mind...the last two pics are some hash i made tell me wha u guys think...


Well-Known Member
thanks for the advice bro, idk it just seemed like alot of nutes n i got scared
I wouldnt do that to you bro...trust me I was under feeding my plants for 2 months cause I was so scared of burning my plants. When we start them off at lower dosages you can and should increase to recommended dosages or to what your strain and plant can handle. 100% of BB is not too much at all, its the Grow big you have to worry about. Big Bloom you should be giving your plant when its in the seedling stage so its used through out the cycle of your plant. Let you plant tell you what they like and dont like. If that made sense...



Well-Known Member
Damn thats a lot of hash or is it more like Keif? either way i want to smoke it..LOL good work, lots of plants too!


Active Member
lol yea its kief i dont hear that term often thats y i called it hash on top of we dont ever see hash often i think im the only one iv seen with a vial full of kief lol took me a long time to get cuz i use a pollen box and i bought a pollen press so i could get it actaully compressed iv only seen n smoked it when its powder yea lotta plants im in 12/12 so ill be taking the males out once they show they are in 3 gallon pots n its startin to get hard to water i cant see the floor ne more haha


Active Member
nice plants bro its pretty much all three of our thread, my drunk ass broke a frickin branch off ;( heres the pics



Active Member
i wish i had a better camera you get close, there little nugs all over!! im so bummed about the branch i dont even know how i broke it


Well-Known Member
nice plants bro its pretty much all three of our thread, my drunk ass broke a frickin branch off ;( heres the pics

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Dont take this the wrong way but your plant looks like its at its healthiest. She has grown already and definately flowering! Prolly is a auto flowering. I would put your lights on 20/4 to see what happens cause if its an auto it doesnt matter if the lights are on 12/12 or 24/0.

I am happy that your plant has show massive improvements! Looks good, keep on making it rain.

I made a video for the first time ever. Here is the link, let me know what you guys thinks!!! Its about 7 minutes long so I will make better ones and shorter ones with better quality.



Active Member
hey yall first day after 12/12 ww1 is getting to big, they are both getting(grow big 1/8 tsp, tiger bloom 1/2 tsp, and bbloom 1/2 tblsp) in a half gallon



Well-Known Member
hey yall first day after 12/12 ww1 is getting to big, they are both getting(grow big 1/8 tsp, tiger bloom 1/2 tsp, and bbloom 1/2 tblsp) in a half gallon

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Damn your one plant has had a major turn around I see. In pic#3 the plant on the right is that after you made it rain? Are you still using Making It Rain? Pic#1 is one healthy girl! Keep it up and just becareful with the Grow Big...too much during flowering will screw your plants system up. Just make sure you cut out grow big completely after I think week 3 or 4 of the fox farm feeding schedule. Good job bro just I am amazed of pic#1 plants recovery!!!!



Active Member
yes that ww2( white widow 2) it was totally fuked till the make it rain and now its reaching for the sky. Thanks bro its all cuz of you! i'd like a suggestion on the next feeding if you will?


Active Member
looking good bro i sadly have to say that i had to kill 4 males today 6 so far may have a couple more...the thing that sucks is the 4 i cut today were some of the healthiest and some of the worse ones are showing complete female pistiols...on a good note the space i get back i can use to grow these females at the full potential keep up the good work


Well-Known Member
yes that ww2( white widow 2) it was totally fuked till the make it rain and now its reaching for the sky. Thanks bro its all cuz of you! i'd like a suggestion on the next feeding if you will?
I would follow the Fox Farm Feeding Schedule. Just make sure you dont over do it. I dont know what you gave her last but You are obviously flowering now so it might be a Auto...Just go with what the schedule says, just whenever adding a new or different nute to the plant dont do full strength always introduce it to your plant at lower levels and see if she can handle it. You will need to learn how to read your plants. I still dont know how to fully read them but I can tell when they are hungry!
looking good bro i sadly have to say that i had to kill 4 males today 6 so far may have a couple more...the thing that sucks is the 4 i cut today were some of the healthiest and some of the worse ones are showing complete female pistiols...on a good note the space i get back i can use to grow these females at the full potential keep up the good work
At least you caught them early and not later. Thats got to be hard growing all those plants and having to track each and everyone of them. You must be busy as fuck, but I am sure your hard work will pay off! Get some pics up there of your girls!!!!




Active Member

Theres some pics for ya bros they are the males i ended up killing a pic of one of the leafs and the way the room looked before hand...tomarrow they will get a water so ill snap a few pics of the way the room is lookin after i cleaned up the males...since the first feeding of foxfarm trio i did notice that the really shitty yellow ones took on a greener hint of color deff has to be the N...Sorry for 15 pics lol just showing you guys whats up yea with all them plants im pretty busy and probly spend a hr just double checking each for males lol thank god i get fems for next round...also forgot to tell ya guys i ended up getting a bag of some killer shit they guy called lemon drop never heard of it nor did i think it smell like lemons but it was still killer and i could smell hints of diesel in it i smoked some lemon diesel not too long ago and that deff smelled like lemons and tasted like it all day but this stuff is doesnt smell or look as good but its still fire...ne ways im goin to break up a nugget and a seed fell out i was lik wtf? only found one seed outta a nic got me confused cuz it doesnt seem like hermie bud


Active Member
more pics the better i think, nice job man! yea its all alot more work then a thought but its gonna pay off!!! ahhhhhhh i cant wait to harvest

quick question my ww2 plant is getting to tall and its got four main tops, its back to heath now, but can it handle me topping all four main tops at once to shorting it, its in 12/12 with kindbud the nice looking auto i have

ww2 is the plant next to kindbud in the last pics i posted


Active Member
i duno if topping has anything to do with my males but it seems the ones i topped/fimmed turned out to be male im not saying it causes it in anyway because i still have females that showed and are topped just the mojority of the topped are males just something to take in thought or read up on also i duno if i ever seen the subject of topping come up in 12/12 very good question i usually top mine after the first 3-4 weeks never read anything about toppin in 12/12 has me interested


Active Member
bekind plant looks a lil weird in the last pic you posted but i deff could see 4 nice ass colas on that baby!!...i notice that tac haha whats your thoughts/opinion on them not to get off topic or ne thing...