150w HPS / DWC - Small-Cabinet Grow

Whats up Sable? Thanks for your kind words. I'm a process server and a big guy on top of that. Slipped on ice at a property; whole left leg is purple! If my widow is as purple as my leg, I'll be happy as shit! lol! Yeah I don't like pills AT ALL, but it helps so not much I can do. Your girls are lookin sexy as hell! Just wait til you get some buds man. I got probably 2-4oz of bud on mine right now and every single day I'm thinkin of sampling! Just keep tellin myself, They'll get bigger just wait!!! Its so hard though. I'm thinkin of making a cabinet grow op. Got the cabinet then decided against it, but will probably do that. Even maybe just to get them started on 24/0, then always have the other light(250w) on 12/12. Not sure yet but can't keep restarting every 3-4monthes; tryin to get a regular system setup to keep pullin harvest every few weeks! That would be sweet! Don't wanna get to big though, otherwise might as well get a trailer or a house full of plants. Anyway, congrats on the girls and keep it up man. Peace!
Hey whats up SableZen? Didn't figure I'd get back to the computer before you. Got some new pics! Actually they're old pics of my first grow. Was a bagseed grow, not sure of the strain. Been trying to find what kind it is but haven't a clue. I have never bought or seen any other bud that looks like this stuff except maybe some Thai-Stick. Enjoy! Peace!



Well-Known Member
Oh man, those ounces of bud would be tempting Nightsmoker - I know what you mean. :cuss: But just keep thinking about how nice it will be when they are done! Well don't forget to kick back and relax with a bowl as often as possible so your leg has a chance to heal. And yeah I hear you about expanding to something perpetual. I'm thinking and researching how I want to do that myself. In any case it'll be fun to design and build something new.

Thanks MinorThreat and junmr2 (keep me updated with what you do!)!

For the journal, just wanted to throw up a picture of what they looked like right after LST'ing them back down to about half their height: :roll: Looks like a bomb went off in there. :lol: Oh and I would like to take a moment to thanks my sponsor, Coka-Cola, for providing the official CFL reflectors of this grow (bored + sharp knife = CFL reflectors).



Well-Known Member
Hey whats up SableZen? Didn't figure I'd get back to the computer before you. Got some new pics! Actually they're old pics of my first grow. Was a bagseed grow, not sure of the strain. Been trying to find what kind it is but haven't a clue. I have never bought or seen any other bud that looks like this stuff except maybe some Thai-Stick. Enjoy! Peace!
That's crazy man! How long did you veg for and how long was the flowering period on that plant?
Dude that pic is awesome! I vegged for like 2 monthes. Started will one of those 125w Halogen flood lights and a couple tube lights from Wally World. I have to find some of the first pics from that, it was super sad looking! I had these tiny toothpick thin stems with these tiny leaves. Had that going for like 3 weeks. Then at the direct of a friend, I bought that 150hps and Oh my God! They fuckin took off! My friend couldn't believe it was the same plant! I vegged til it was like 3ft tall. I wanted to make sure it was big enough to produce enough bud to make it worth the risk. I had NO IDEA really how to grow and definetly didn't know it was going to double in size!!!! I took lots of pics and according to the pics, I flowered for 8wks. Didn't keep any records of watering, nutes, what week I was in, nothing! So all I really have to look back on and compare to are the pics but thank God they're dated. Later man! Keep up the great work! P.S. Nice reflectors! Lol


Well-Known Member
And for my future reference, found this website:


It is a yield calculator that takes into account a lot of different variables (like veg time, wattage,experience of grower, sq feet, etc...). According to the results, I should be able to get a few ounces with my setup. We'll see - but an interesting calculator. Interested in what other people think about it.


Active Member
Fun Grow Ok homeboy. I did as asked. If I did that right it should be a link to my new journal. If not Ill figure out how to attach link in the morning. Im dead. Later bro.


Well-Known Member
And for my future reference, found this website:


It is a yield calculator that takes into account a lot of different variables (like veg time, wattage,experience of grower, sq feet, etc...). According to the results, I should be able to get a few ounces with my setup. We'll see - but an interesting calculator. Interested in what other people think about it.

that thing seems a lil off to me. it said i will yield 8 o's off my hydro plant......i dont think so.


Well-Known Member
Journal notes: I'm still not seeing any little flowers/buds... so just to be on the safe side I pulled out the cabinet and looked it completely over for light leaks. And found one of the exhaust fans had shifted in the mounting and there was very large leak right near the top of the cabinet. Probably large enough to let in enough light to mess things up. I re-did the whole back of the cabinet to make sure there were no leaks at all (killed a roll of duct tape). And then did another overall check and it's good to go now with no leaks at all. Just not sure where the plants are, vegetation or borderline flowering...

Ah well, will keep LST'ing them with the 12/12 light schedule - there seems to be enough room still either way. Time will tell.


Cool deal Godfrey! Will check it out more after I get some sleep - very clean looking setup though.

FuzzyBudz - Yeah I figured it can't really be that accurate with predicting yield. But the rest of the calculator that shows how much you have to produce to meet your personal needs throughout the year was pretty cool too. Someone spent a lot of time making that thing!


Well-Known Member
yo sable,

just got back from a trip to philly. lst and new reflectors look real good. the lst will be real good and help ya get more. vera nyyyce

later man


Well-Known Member
Welcome back crazytrain. The LST'ing has brought up a lot of new growth nodes... but man I feel bad for the plants. All tied up and twisted looking. They seem to be handling it great though - even though I showed no mercy. Nine days after going to 12/12 - I want to see some flowers soon!


hey guys this is my very first post on this site and i will say sable you are my lightweight blueprint for my design hoping to get the HPS but still hesitant on it haven one for my closest in an apt. but i currently have one sprout already turning out its second set of leaves in only its fourth day i think that its looking pretty good if anyone would like to see it its under my buddys threads but i can easily attach it. but keep the updates coming and i hope to soon follow you. O i forgot im doing a DWC/ bubbleponics in a closest although on plant will be in soil just for fun maybe LSTing it alot see what happens but i was looking at your light at my local ponics store and im unsure about the heat in such a small space. look forward to seeing more posts and pics


Well-Known Member
Cool man! Throw some pics of your grow up or post a link - would like to follow how it goes for you. I really haven't had too much of a heat issue considering the 100cfm exhaust I have keeps things around 5 degrees over ambient even with an additional 100 watts of CFLs running. It would be super easy and cheap to do more than just 100cfm if it still worries you. But do you have a way to exhaust out of your closet (considering you are in an apt. and can't cut holes in the wall/ceiling)?


Well-Known Member
Quick update: Still not seeing any flowering. But there was about 3 inches of growth just today on the main nodes. Impressive growth spurt. Secondary growth from nodes exploded from the LST'ing. Almost have a perfectly flat canopy - one more LST session and I should have all the plants level with the runt. I think I'm starting to see a very slight amount of nute burn - will replace reservoir water loss with plain water for the next week just to be on the safe side. Will update with pictures tomorrow before and after LST'ing. I really hope they are going into flower this time - main colas are starting to look like a flowering plant so I'm optimistic about their height and vegetative time.


Well-Known Member
Ok, simple picture update. Things are going good as far as I can tell. :blsmoke:

But still unable to sex them... :dunce:

Picture 10 is the runt - still hanging in there. Picture 11 is a quick shot of the roots (again, Liquid Karma makes them appear a little off-white - but they are fine).

Comments, help, criticism, feedback wanted.

