150w HPS first grow multi-strain


Whats up? This is my first grow so everything is all new to me. My buddy(lets call him "J"),who ill refer to alot in this, gave me 2 clones. Which i put into budding 6 days ago(day 5 with light on). He will be giving me 2 more within the next week. :weed:. I will have pictures up very soon of my 2 girls. ANY help is appreciated. Thanks guys.


good stuff man ! cant wait for the pics

What type of stains are you getting?

The 2 I have now are g-13(bag seeds) and i have a choice on the next two. ak-48, white widow, sharksbreath, or lemon skunk.

not sure which ones i want yet. either the ak-48 or the white widow. any suggestions?

:idea: WHY NOT BOTH!!! lol

Jer La Mota

Well-Known Member
AK-48 is nirvana seeds
Indica 65 / Sativa 35
Origins - Ice (f) x Jock Horror (m)
Flowering - 49-63 days
Harvest - Late October

I like the Ice, a lot !!

Nirvana white widow is nice too, tho Ice is there own strain ..

Don't know anything regarding Sharksbreath, or lemon skunk, tho the white widow is a nice bud


Ill assume you have at least 400W for flowering having a minimum of 4 plants ..
Its a tough choice :roll:



:wall:this is the thing. i know absolutly nothing about growing. "J" has helped me out alot. He said we are doing a SOG and that the set-up i have will be enough for four plants.Lets see.:-? But i have smoked his harvests before.:clap: AMAZING!! ill have pics up in about an hour with all the info on my setup. then maybe we can go from there and figure this out. because ITS CONFUSING RIGHT NOW.

I'm most likely going to go with the ak-48. thanks for the info.

Jer La Mota

Well-Known Member
But i have smoked his harvests before.:clap: AMAZING!! ill have pics up in about an hour with all the info on my setup. then maybe we can go from there and figure this out. because ITS CONFUSING RIGHT NOW.

I'm most likely going to go with the ak-48. thanks for the info.
No prob man !

If his stash is Amazing, then you're in good hands :bigjoint:


Here we go, this is alittle overview of my setup.
The box is a 18"x18" and stands 4 ft. tall. Obviously lined with poly. 150w HPS light. Soil; Roots Organic. There is a pic of the nutes i will be giving the girls about a week.
The girls are clones of, what "J" said to be "G-13 bag seeds". We will see.:rolleyes:.

I got these clones on 3/29 and they sat in the dark for 24 hours. Lights came on at 7am 3/30 for their first full day of flowering.:grin:(lighting:12/12)
I got home from work around 5pm to go check on them and check the temp. 93F:shock:.OOPS!!!(The light sits about 20" from the tops of plants, cant lower due to heat, yet havnt seen excess stretching)

Well after 3 days of battling temp problems. I believe I figured out how to stabilize the temps.

So now its 4/3 and I have time to spend a full day with them. Enjoy the pictures. If there is anything else i should be snapping shots of let me know please.

Plant1(green lighter,left side): sits at 3". She shows signs of heat stress. But I'm working on that.:!:

Plant 2(black lighter,right side: sit around 2 1/2" and also shows the same signs.

I gave them alittle (tap)water this morning to get them through the day, but i want to water them fully tonight to start my watering routine.(5PM) I believe i will be able to get away with 4-5 days between drinks.:?:

Other than that, its just a waiting game.:-(

Anything else please feel free to ask!





Fed the girls last night....but i think i over watered. :eyesmoke:forgot they don't drink as much as me.:wall:

That wont happen again.

Lights came on this morning...they sure looked happy!!!:bigjoint:

Measured them just alittle bit ago.

They both grew an inch. Excited to see how much more they will grow in the next few days!!

My digital camera blows and im returning it!!!:cuss: so I am trying very hard to get another one so i can keep pictures coming!!!



if you are using tap make sure you let the water sit around for long enough for chlorine to evaporate out.


what kind of test did you perform on your h2o? do you have a pen to read ppm's or tds? if so what are your ppms straight out of faucet? regardless low chlorine is not no chlorine. let h2o sit for upwards of one hour. use aquarium air pump with air stone to speed up process. no need to rush it. pour your water... puff puff puff.. puff puff pass... feed


why no ff grow big during the veg stage... you should look for fox farms soil feeding schedule. it is widely available online. grow big supplies your N that is needed during this stage.


Well here we are. Day 2 of week 2. So much longer to wait. haha. But I have noticed changes. They both have shot up at least 2-3 inches after I watered them. :leaf:

I will try my hardest to get some pictures up tomorrow. Stupid E-bay person sent me a jacked up camera!!!!:finger: But they admitted fault and are sending a new one as soon as I get to the post office.bongsmilie

do you have a pen to read ppm's or tds?
I don't. Is it very important to get one? Money is kinda tight right now so I gotta try and get by with as little as possible.

very nice little setup, im subd. any odor control methods in this op?
thanks man. as far as odor goes its not so bad with them being so little. But we will be going with some kinda carbon set-up if need be. When it comes about I will def. get pictures up!!

why no ff grow big during the veg stage...
Restrained on time right now. Leaving for a week in JUNE. Needed them ready as close to JUNE 1st as possible. High expectations??

'Til tomorrow.:joint::leaf:


Here is a sample of "J"s stuff. Just finished up.

Left side- Instant expansion in the lungs. haha If i had to describe taste the closest I could think of is alittle flowery with a tinge of citrus.:weed:

Other 2- Not as amazing but still pretty great and stinky!!! :bigjoint:

I hope mine will turn out half as good as this stuff. :hump:



Active Member
Those are some nice buds. I am also new to growing but I will tell you I didn't worry about my PH and such and its kicking me in the ass now. You can get PH up and down pretty cheap off ebay. I would suggest getting some. Check my grow out it in my sig. Im scribed


I like the way these look!!:weed:

Day 10 of flowering.:leaf:

First 5 are Lexi.(Some name my girlfriend wanted to call it.:hump:)

Next 2 self explanatory.

5 after that I just call G-13.

Comments/suggestions are appreciated!!




Well-Known Member
I like the way these look!!:weed:

Day 10 of flowering.:leaf:

First 5 are Lexi.(Some name my girlfriend wanted to call it.:hump:)

Next 2 self explanatory.

5 after that I just call G-13.

Comments/suggestions are appreciated!!

Looks good dog! The girls are growin up nicely. Im 2 weeks into 12/12 myself:bigjoint:

Later. . .:eyesmoke: