150w HPS "mini grow" Snowryder Auto flower nutes questions????????


I need some help.... I currently have two snowryder's growing at 5 weeks.

This is my second grow and the last time I ended up with some harsh tasting buds from over feeding and I didn't flush in time.

My local hydro store recommend pure blend pro bloom 1-4-5, and monster bloom.

How often should I feed these, and how much? They are in 6" containers, and I'm using Fox Farm ocean blend soil with distilled water.

They say to use 1 TBS per 5 gallon of water, but I don't have a 5 gallon container. How would that break down for 1 gallon of water?


Well-Known Member
what up wolf

i would start a schedule of water water feed. start them off with half strength nutes. divide the 1tbs into 5. that will be ok. make sure your ph is between 6.5-7.0. do you have a journal or pics of these plants? i am about to germ one and need to do some research ont he strain so i can know what to expect.

hope that helped.



No pics just yet. My biggest is only about 4" tall and about 2.5" in diameter. Solid piece of bud from the ground up. The other is 3" tall. I'm pretty sure I over did it with nutes because almost all of the leaves are yellow in color. Buds still look really healthy, and smell like mango. I flushed them about a week ago thinking they were on nute lock, just seems like they haven't grown in about 3 weeks. In their defense I had them in a basement with terrible air quality and started them in the wrong soil, and eventually switched them over to Fox Farm ocean forest. They have had a tough time. I started an Auto Assassin as well about three weeks ago, and it out grew the snowryder in no time, but ended up being a male!! So I'm starting a second attempt with the Auto Assassin.PT.jpg


Well-Known Member
man that is pretty crazy. all the other snowryders i have seen are like at least a foot and a half tall. looks pretty cool though. i just started an auto blueberry check it out if you get a chance.
