150W HPS Mogul socket


Active Member
I have just purchased a 150W HPS unit but need some more length in the mogul socket. I plan to cut the wires and plan on soldering additional wire to it to increase its length.

Is there a flaw to my plan? Do the wires have to be anything special in particular?

Any help is greatly appreciated

Thank you


New Member
I have just purchased a 150W HPS unit but need some more length in the mogul socket. I plan to cut the wires and plan on soldering additional wire to it to increase its length.

Is there a flaw to my plan? Do the wires have to be anything special in particular?

Any help is greatly appreciated

Thank you
WTF does the socket have to do with wire length? Get some wirenuts and twist that shit up.


Active Member
The socket has nothing to do with the wire length, what I am trying to ask is the wires coming OUT of the socket.


New Member
You can cut it anywhere and splice on an extension cord. It's only 150 watts so any lamp cord will do. Wrap it in electrical tape if you're to cheap to buy the wirenuts. Tape will not hold as good as wirenuts and you definitely don't want to burn the place down.
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The insulation around the wires connecting to the socket should look like they're surrounded by thread, this is heat resistant insulation and you should take care to leave enough on so that if the socket hits anything it's THAT wire, otherwise you run the rick of melting shit.