150W HPS Nirvana Ice.


Well-Known Member
Hell no. In all honesty im still staying with my mom and it took me all day to talk her into a hole in the drywall. And she KNOWS how good I am at fixing holes in the wall...When I was little I used to make a lot of them so she made me fix them...I got good...


Well-Known Member
Id show you my one little lady but she hasnt even opened up her starter leaves yet. Probably tomorrow or tuesday.


Well-Known Member
I have this bad habit of sewing my seeds too deep. So I went and dug around a little bit. 3/4 germed. 2 sprouted. Third should by tomorrow. Fourth seed desintigrated in my hand no tap root or anything. Germing 3 old ass bagseeds I got to test genetics.


Well-Known Member
Well there nothing wrong with growing bag seed . I have taken some bag seeds and grew some kick ass weed with them . Not saying I made it better just gave the plant the chance to produce the best it could . lol Got the weed for 25 for a quarter after growing it right sold the same strain back to the same guy for 50 a quarter .


Well-Known Member
This shit was like $5 a dime rofl. Cousin played middle man and got it for me. Last grow I think it was these genetics that was my topped girl that owned the 2 skunks.


Well-Known Member
Well we have 3 sprouts and I just put the 3 bagseeds into there pots but I cant find the camera :( Nothing special going on anyway. They should be starting there set of 3 finger leaves tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
Yea actually I do. I cant figure out why the hell theyre stretching so much. Never had any stretch like this.


Well-Known Member
@Newport, I'm going to be following this grow as I am going to be downsizing to a 150w HPS from a 400w MH/HPS which I used for 2 grows....How high is your light at right now? Still trying to figure out what height to put my 150w light at to start, but was thinking 15" or so.Will be using 150w from start to finish.