150w HPS Stealth 3 Chamber, Dresser Cab


Active Member
So I am currently in the process of gutting and building my stealth dresser. there will be a flower, veg, and clone chamber.

Flower chamber- 150w HPS in cool tube
Veg chamber- (6) 24w cfls
Clone chamber- (2) 24w cfls

Exhaust- There will be two bathroom fans pulling from the veg chamber and the flower chamber. the fan above the veg chamber will exhaust its air through the 150w HPS cool tube then out the back.

Intake- passive intake probably through the floor, not sure yet.

so over christmas break i will have a WW that has been veging for like 2 months now. it has been LST'd and i think is gunna be a monster. it is currently like 2 weeks into flowering. but after the ww is done i will begin an all soil perpetual grow in the cab.

Pictures will be posted tomorrow after i finish the box. hopefully i can pick up my light tomorrow and i just ordered a pyrex bake a round for the cool tube so hopefully that'll hurry too.


Active Member
here is the box; i ended up workin on it tonight. still not completely done tho.
still gotta put the drawers back on the front. the cab will open from the back of the dresser so i gotta install a door. also gotta cut the ducting holes and wait for my pyrex tube to get in so i can put the HPS in. so far i havent spent a penny on this cab everything i used was recycled from a previous cab i had. turnin out great, let me know what yall think.

oh and the final pic is of a ww clone that started its life in 12/12 for like 2 weeks but wasnt doin good so i pulled it out. it still has small buds on it but looks like its finally switching back to veg mode. is 2 weeks of flowering too long to try and switch it back?



Active Member
Okay so just finished workin on the box, i havent put in the cooltube yet because my pyrex tube hasnt arrived yet. but hopefully i wont need the cooltube and temps dont get too high. if so then i will probably install a cooltube tomorrow with a glass cylinder i already have.

but today i went to lowes and spend $150 on wood, hinges, locks, latches, fans, ducting, and adapters. but thats okay it was worth it.

well actually im not comepletely done i still gotta cut intake holes, light proof the front and glue on the drawers and the crown molding around the sides, but then ill be done.

the pictures are of the dresser from the back, i ended up making two exhaust holes instead of connecting the ducting and making one.

and then from the front. it leaks a lil light through that slit.

and then the plant, at about 3 weeks and again today, vegged for like 2 months and i think second week of flowering.



Active Member
okay now i need help meaning someone needs to reply or comment or leave some feed back, basically quite bein lame RIU.

anyways, my friend gave the the 150w HPS light that i am using but it was a street lamp so the balast is still inside of the street lamp still all i did was make the wires to the socket part longer. i want to eventually put the ballast inside of the box but obviously the lamp's shell is too big. i can take it out of the lamp just by udoing the screws but what should i do with it then? i really dont wanna burn my house down, much less my plants. so please help.

got some pictures of the lamp, ballast, and box it came in


okay now i need help meaning someone needs to reply or comment or leave some feed back, basically quite bein lame RIU.

anyways, my friend gave the the 150w HPS light that i am using but it was a street lamp so the balast is still inside of the street lamp still all i did was make the wires to the socket part longer. i want to eventually put the ballast inside of the box but obviously the lamp's shell is too big. i can take it out of the lamp just by udoing the screws but what should i do with it then? i really dont wanna burn my house down, much less my plants. so please help.

got some pictures of the lamp, ballast, and box it came in

wondering why you would want it in in the box? I guess for complete stealth?

find some sort of empty tin box, durable one, that you can fit the parts into. an old PSU from computer might hold everything nicely.

Nice build btw. looks good.