***150w HPS Verticle grow*** Staring: ECSDXLR2 - Skidow - BAT


Well-Known Member
because you looklike you have alot of light leaks and you can prob cover a bigger space with better reflection
Yeah... idk. My goal is to sourond the bitch with buddage, and try to soak up every initial lumen that comes out of it, so reflection wouldnt be a huge concern. But it would be cool to have a box so i can just bust it out in the future and ready set grow. Ill have to ponder such things..
other than that your plants should love it..but dont u think your plants will suck up lumens more in a small reflected space instad of a large space??

Rope Smoker

Well-Known Member
Looking good Micro! Yes you def need to transplant those soon, before the roots grow together and its hard to separate the seedlings! Those bitches are going to explode with growth!

:peace:peace man:peace:


Active Member
if things go well, i will do this. where the hell is your grow box in that picture? lol sure is stealth i guess.


Well-Known Member
anything good under the 150 hps????/////

Black hawk down my friends. it was a tragic end of the weekend. As i was tendin my crop i felt my foot start sinking in the material between the rafters. a loud clump and clatter to follow. Somehow i was standing on the ceiling, that was only held up by those 1.5 inch boards, all in parellel and wat not. than a layer of plaster, and drywall. So i went down stairs to find a 2 foot by 1.5 and a half foot hole in the damn ceiling. So with all remaining is the parellel floor boards, there was no way in hell i was going to be able to fix that shit up in one day for my unsuspecting roomate finding it! ha.

But yeah the ol roomate found where the hole was leading obviuosly and found my shit, long story short. there now chilling outside awaiting to find a home with me. i should have updates in 1-2 weeks, and have em back under the 150wer

Rope Smoker

Well-Known Member
Lesson learned! Never grow in a place with other people that arn't down with a grow going on! Parents or Roommates! I hope you find a place soon!

:leaf:peace man:leaf:


Well-Known Member
Dude, your not to smart are you? Please, no one should listen to any advice this guys got. Unbelievable what some people will do to grow thier own. If you can't do it right, don't do it! All your doing is abusing your plants. That's drug abuse! We can all agree, drug abuse is wrond huh? My advice, get some money and do it right!

-the Dude


Well-Known Member
Dude, your not to smart are you?

Unnecessary comment!!

Please, no one should listen to any advice this guys got.

Why?? because you say so? If you have reason to believe MM has been incorrect in his advice or use of techniques, feel free to speak up and PROVE YOUR POINT..

Unbelievable what some people will do to grow thier own. If you can't do it right, don't do it!

Everyone has to learn this stuff somewhere,and that sometimes means losing plants due to inexperience BUT even experienced growers of ALL types not just MJ hit a snag ocassionally!

All your doing is abusing your plants. That's drug abuse! We can all agree, drug abuse is wrond huh?
Bitchin at fellow growers without reason is wrong - having problems in your grow space is quite usual and hardly DRUG ABUSE, depending on strain and growing environment, MOST new setups require some fine tuning until they run like clockwork, then its just bugs etc you gotta worry bout...

My advice, get some money and do it right!

Is money really necessary??? i did my first grow when i got back into growing indoors with 20 bucks worth of CFLs and a coupla old light fittings i rigged, hardly expensive and worked like a dream!

-the Dude

If you have beef or just dont like the guy for some reason, simply dont chime in on his posts..
MMicro has some accomplished grows under his belt, or else i wouldnt have sent him some of my own strains to try out.
He asks for advice if necessary and will generally wait it out for someone with a lil more growing knowledge to help out or suggest a method of rectification.. that does not indicate someone who is rash or makes uninformed decisions/comments.

If you have a point to prove to yourself, post us some pics of your successful grows, we love that stuff. :)

Play nice folks !!!

Go steady,



Well-Known Member
If you have beef or just dont like the guy for some reason, simply dont chime in on his posts..
MMicro has some accomplished grows under his belt, or else i wouldnt have sent him some of my own strains to try out.
He asks for advice if necessary and will generally wait it out for someone with a lil more growing knowledge to help out or suggest a method of rectification.. that does not indicate someone who is rash or makes uninformed decisions/comments.

If you have a point to prove to yourself, post us some pics of your successful grows, we love that stuff. :)

Play nice folks !!!

Go steady,

Hahaha, thanks homie. Yeah i seriously dont know where that came from. Total bs, but w/e. He couldnt make any comebacks toward what i declared him to be, think hes just a poser.

Any ways, hey i finsished my stealth box, ive been giving suplemental cfl light at night to make it a 24/0 light regiment, and the bat and skidow are looking fantastic, there on there 4rth node, and little and bushy. The BAts leafs are so fat, sweeeet. But hey i just found some Lifesaver x BB beans in the stun gun, haha, didnt even tell me. Left it for a suprise? Good thing i have something to hold on here, i also kept 5 ECSD, so i have some back ups worse case scenario.

! I promise to get some pics up here reall soon.

Oh and i think there doing so well because i transplanted them into some seed start soil from MG that has a ton of airation in spagnum peat moss, very light shit. And ive also been giving them low doses of mg, with nothing bad to say at all.

I just meet someone whos down to share an apartment, and hes stocked with a 1000w hps, and a ozone generater, good for 5000 cubic feet! I already have a S&P 500cfm blower and a 400w lumatek, so we should make a nice little team. Then we can get these beans under some serious conditions.

Pics soon.


Well-Known Member
daaaaaamn man!
nice shit!
im on my first indoor grow n if it werent for the peeps in RIU i'd be struggling to grow outdoors!!!
all you guys have been a big ass help!

i started off my indoor grow as a cfl with 2 lights, about 2x2x21/2 space holdin 7 beauties(not enough room!!)
theyre about 1 month in n lookin god!

juss today at work, i stumbled across 2 street light lamps n found me 2 150wHPS bulbs!
all i need are the ballasts for them..
n i also found me a new box :)

the awesome part to me is i only spent about $10 for my setup!!!
thank god my dad had soil n fert!

my ventilation is my only problem now...
i am broke as fuck n only have hair dryers as a means of intake n exhaust.
i still needa make me a carbon filter as well....

my questions are:
whats a good supplement for exhaust fans?
how close do i put the 150w's?
what good nutes will make the stems thicker???

any feedback xept hatin fags would be much appreciated!