150w mh timer problem


Well-Known Member
Hey guys,
So im running my 150W MH for 18H now but my timer doenst want to work! When i plug it between the wallsocket and the plug of my Setup my Ballast just hums!
Do i need a special Timer? Please Help

Greets Mika


Well-Known Member
Doesn't sound like the timer to me...you sure you haven't blown a bulb?

Have you tried plugging the ballast straight into the wall outlet?


Well-Known Member
no When I plug it without the Timer my Bulb runs perfect!
is it an electronic timer or a mechanical one? Do you have an electrical meter to check the voltage coming out of the timer? If not I'd get one...they are handy to have(even just to have to test if a battery is good or not) :)


Well-Known Member
is it an electronic timer or a mechanical one? Do you have an electrical meter to check the voltage coming out of the timer? If not I'd get one...they are handy to have(even just to have to test if a battery is good or not) :)
It is a mechanical Timer :) Nah i dont have a electrical Meter :( So what can i do to get it working? I already bought a new Timer still doesnt work?


Well-Known Member
It is a mechanical Timer :) Nah i dont have a electrical Meter :( So what can i do to get it working? I already bought a new Timer still doesnt work?
uh...you bought a new timer and its still not working? You got some sort of power issues that the tiny bit of voltage the mechanical timer uses to turn its mechanism is just enough to fuck with the ballast? That's really weird man...that shouldn't happen...how old is the ballast? Does it take a bit to fire up the lights? Is it getting weak? Is the timer you are using rated for high enough amperage to support the light? Fuck dude I dunno...run an extension cord to another outlet on another circuit to see if it will fire up with the timer?


Well-Known Member
2 bad timers? not likely. try plugging it into a different outlet w/ something else on it.a small radio or clock. a 150 watt light wont draw much so even the cheapest timer should be ok to use.


Well-Known Member
uh...you bought a new timer and its still not working? You got some sort of power issues that the tiny bit of voltage the mechanical timer uses to turn its mechanism is just enough to fuck with the ballast? That's really weird man...that shouldn't happen...how old is the ballast? Does it take a bit to fire up the lights? Is it getting weak? Is the timer you are using rated for high enough amperage to support the light? Fuck dude I dunno...run an extension cord to another outlet on another circuit to see if it will fire up with the timer?
The Ballast is new and the Bulb is also new! WTF man what is the problem :(


Sorry Im no help, but it reminds me when I started my first grow, and I was just using shit I found around the house and I founf A time power bar half wer switch controlled and half were
timer controlled....maybe you have them on the switch side...Huh hah hahaha!!..... I had to figure out how to use my time, I had never even seen or used one, just heard of them.


Well-Known Member
Sorry Im no help, but it reminds me when I started my first grow, and I was just using shit I found around the house and I founf A time power bar half wer switch controlled and half were
timer controlled....maybe you have them on the switch side...Huh hah hahaha!!..... I had to figure out how to use my time, I had never even seen or used one, just heard of them.
Everything is fixed ;) It was the Wallsocket now its timing ;))


Active Member
if you are on 240 volts.
the timer has burned out, it is not striking, the internal contact that switches it on is damaged, and is it a proper 22 amp timer or above.
since it is only 150w i doubt it.

a normal mechanical 13 amp timer even though may say good for 3000 watts will burn out and some can even get very hot.

when using a timer with 110-120volts the ampage is higher to run the power, this will burn the equipment out even faster.

when you recieve an electric shock, it is not the amount of volts that matter but the amps, that is why a vehicle running with only 12 volts dc can easily go on fire with a slight wiring problem that is not fuse protected as it might have a 255 amp battery with enough power to turn a huge engine and start it, you will not recieve a severe shock from it as the voltages are a low enough direct current to protect you, but fire and severe skin burns can be a very very high risk with the high ampage.

if you recieve an electric shock at 240 volts 30 amps it will give you a serious shock.
if you recieve an electric shock at 110 volts 50 amps it will probably kill you.
you see the voltage being smaller but the ampage higher.
ampage is always higher with lower voltages, that is why it is safer to run 240 volt electrics.

i suggest you switch your lights on manually until you get a new timer.