
So I know conventional wisdom says 18/6 I'm intrested in an IF type schedule of 16/8. Anyone done anything similar. I can't imagine I'd lose too much veg by running that schedule but I'm a newbie lol. Here's my bag seed. I got 2 katsu dracarys that just got planted today as well.


go go kid

Well-Known Member
thats closer to a flowering light schedual , but they will grow but slowley, thelighting realy does makea differance

go go kid

Well-Known Member
put some fresh soil in those pots, the plant will thank you for it, your going to need larger pots too
put some fresh soil in those pots, the plant will thank you for it, your going to need larger pots too
I have a 5 gallon the bag seed is in it was an experiment turned out to be female started outside the weather flipped it for me. The other 2 I just planted to get the seed started I was thinking 2 3 gallons as I only have about a 4 foot max grow anything much bigger I'm gonna touch the ceiling.
Gonna be an interesting start to my season. 9 dracarys seeds 2 popped this morning. 1 Bag seed that I'm calling stankdawg. Inside joke and 1 bag seed from a bag of icecream cake

go go kid

Well-Known Member
sounds like an interesting grow you got there, have you got any flower pots yet? your going to need some to plant them up in, start off with sall i liter pots and then transplant them into larger ones.
i wouldent pop too many seeds yet, you look like your struggling with two in the window.
learn to grow the first two before you go mad or your wasting money and good seed
I wouldn't say struggle as I just dont have the space. My main growing area is currently being used by my bag seed and is already in flower it's got about 3 weeks before I look to harvest if not more which should be right in time for me to transition them to my main grow area.