1600 watt S.O.G. soil kings kush grow


Active Member
Hi all had a few questions about this sea of green method im about to try. I bought feminised kings kush from GH seed company. I want to do 2 times 3.5 by 3.5 foot tables and run 120 to 144 plants per table. Would this be too much for 1600 watts. I know that a 1000 watt will be enough for sure to do one table, but want to make sure the 600 will be up to the task for the other table. And would it be too much to expect 3.5g -7g per plant if they were in a square pot measuring 3.5in by 3.5in by 4in tall This will be done in soil unless anyone out there can convince me that i will get a drastically larger yield off a flood and drain system.

If anyone out there can help me that would make my day!!!!


Well-Known Member
Way to many plants. I ran 50 plants under two 1000w in a 4x8 tent and it was too crowded. Might be able to set up a third table and put your lights on light movers to cover the area but even then 100+ sounds a bit much from seed.

When you order 100+ seeds do you get a major discount?


Active Member
At 50 plants under 2 1000watts how long did u veg for and how much did u get per plant (final dry weight)? I was thinking of doing 6in plants then right to flower and hoping for 3 to 7 g per plant times 144 = me being happy for a while lol
O yea my tent is 8.6 by 4.3 by 7 feet tall and could easily use 2000 watts or more i think with the right ventilation


Active Member
have someone who has some growing already probablly buy clones and clone from them to double and so on and so on until i get enough thinking of doing 24 in 2 week segments figure that will be enough for me for a bit lol


Well-Known Member
No idea how long I vegged. Maybe a month but the first week and a half were more like recovery (clones were in really shabby condition when I got em). Not sure on yield per plant either but I think it was more like 1oz a piece. It was a shady run and all organic so I am sure you could pull more. If I were you I would veg no longer than 1 or 2 weeks (whenever you hit your fourth or fifth true node). Plants from seed grow very uniformly unlike clones so you should be albe to trim off a couple bottom branches to easily ensure just nice narrow main colas - this should allow you a greater number of plants.

To give you an idea this is 50 small plants in a 4x8 tent after a bit of trimming.

This is another grow to illustrate start flowering time and plant growth:
Started these on 12/12 at this size (15 days old from bean cracking):

Ended up like this - a bit more managable for large numbers and you can run small pots (these are 1gal)

At ~1 oz 100 of these (should be manageable in the spaces you stated) would yield you pretty nicely.

I moved to a county with a lower limit but so cant run a bunch myself but have dreamt about a near 12/12 from start high number feminized seed grow. Please let me know when you have a tru grow thread for this. (or is this it?)


Active Member
lol no grow thread yet just dippin my big toe in to see if the water is nice lol . I like the idea of 1gal=1 oz a plant and being able to fit that amount in that sized grow room but the kings kush is a SLOW starter. Popped 3 before and vegged for 3 months in 3 gal buckets under 1000w mh and they were only about 3ft tall including the pot which was about 10 to 11 inch i LST them and got them about 3 feet across and started to flower them under 1000w hps. They had about 25 or more bud sites flush on top of them but had to chop about 4 weeks in because of securiety reasons so dont know what yield would have been. What was the strain on the far left of last picture looks like a good short high yielding indica

Sorry no pictures VERY parinoid Im very suprised im even talking on this fourm usually i only read and try to aquire knowledge that way!


Well-Known Member
Those were all random unlabeled seeds from a local breeder. I would suggest going with a strain like the other three. That short one takes up a larger foot print while yielding the same - See how it reaches a bit over the pot? If you had 100 they would need to be pot against pot which means wider ones like that would be touching and competing for light. Might also contribute to mildew issues.


Active Member
good call i have had Powder mold before and it sucks ass. Guess thats the last thing i want getting on my kush plants lol
I remember trying so many different ways to get rid of it !!!!!! Milk, sulfur, voodoo lol really affected my yield on some early girls i had a while ago they were great!!! Flowered in 6 1/2 weeks but lost them all to that PW mold

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
My Kings Kush stayed very short and compact so you got that going for ya. I wouldn't worry too much about height too much. Matches description to a T although I only grew one seed. I haven't smoked any still curing but the buds are very dense and have good bag appeal. Kinda a slow gower but I would probably grow it again.



Active Member
kool good to know that kings kush has good bag appeal Do u think that 120 small plants is the way to go under 1000 watt hps or should i do 25 like gastanker suggested and try to get an o per plant?? Im looking for the fastest turn around on these palnts and best yield possible for the space im using

any input would help a lot