16000+ watts medigrow: og kush+ 13 x 1kw hps + 3 x t5 badboys + grotek = *HAPPY JOY*

.... some sort of afghani, i guess?

it's funny, i was trying to think of specific strains to suggest for your needs, and the first few to come to mind were:
next generation's "avalon"
jordan of the islands' "afghani"
and sensi's "black domina"..... guess what they all have in common? lol
(i would personally be curious to see how avalon does outside, as i've never seen it OD, but that's purely selfish.)

as to dr greenthumb/g13, i don't know anything about breeder or strain. never heard of either until i showed up on riu.

Time Warp. Classic canadian green house strain. It was the first thing I smoked on my first trip up. I was thinking about getting some because I have a pretty harsh and cold climate with a brief hot summer, and that is what Time Warp was breed to thrive through.
Time Warp. Classic canadian green house strain. It was the first thing I smoked on my first trip up. I was thinking about getting some because I have a pretty harsh and cold climate with a brief hot summer, and that is what Time Warp was breed to thrive through.

I saw the timewarp when I was checking out next generations stuff. I think it might be too dry here for it to live up to its potential. Im 20 miles inland and just 20 miles north of the mexican border.. Hot and dry in the summer and cool and dry in the winter. Usually never above 35%rh. I might give it a try once I burn through the TGA stuff that I got at a local dispensery.

I like the fact that the Avalon and timewarp are super stable and proven for years. With only 6 plants I really cant experiment and play the pick a pheno game, I need to know what the resulys will be when I drop a bean because I don't even keep a mother since thats 1 less that I can flower.
I grow in the cold Quebec Canada and I would recomend any thing you can find that has FreezeLand in it. FL is a HA strain bread for short season and damp, if you can find M39, the FL cross you will love it, Indica stockey, big yield, any where from up high to night night time. You should be able to find at quebec seed banks,

  1. Quebec Seed Bank Marijuana Genetics

    www.marijuanagenetics.com/quebec.html - Cached
    Quebec Seeds marijuana genetics descriptions and photographs.

  2. Montreal Seedbank

    www.montreal-seedbank.ca/ - Cached
    Here at Montreal seedbank You can buy some of the best Quality in the world. ... Montreal Seed bank offers you a selection of Cannabis seeds (marijuana ...
    Method of Payment - The Right Seed For You - Shipping and Returns - Contact Us
  3. Seed Shops in montreal and Quebec? - Cannabis Culture Forums

    forums.cannabisculture.com › ... › The Grow Room › Seeds & Strains - Cached
    2 posts - 2 authors - Last post: 24 Jul 2008
    Hemp Quebec / Quebec Seed Bank. please refer to Dutch Passion's Blacklist before considering making a purchase with them ...

    Looks like this guy has very similar to what I have

Here you go, I started growing this years ago and did some crosses that I still have today, one of the best high`s if grown right and it is done in about 55 days.


One of our strangest hybrids. M39 is the super quick but still very high yielding plant adopted by the Asian growing community in Canada for export to the USA.
Freeze Land is an outdoor strain from Quebec and is preferred by the Hells Angels for its incredible resistance to temperature swings (not the bikers, the plants). M39 is a mix between
Skunk#1 and Northern Lights.
Since it is also a good outdoor plant, it adapts well to the North American climate. Fruity taste and dynamic high.
This is a must for every producer or smoker. Freeze Land is the famous and most appreciated genetic in Quebec, and we recommend it for beginners as well as more experienced producers. A must for the Indica connoisseur.

A blast from the past! NL x Skunk#1. While NL#5 is one of my favorite plants to both grow and smoke, there is very little market for it here. I would think that someone wanting to grow in a greenhouse may be growing a bit more than just head stash...maybe not. I would be curious to see how Dr Atomic's NL x Haze would grow in a climate controlled greenhouse with a high cieling. The Haze componet may give it a bit more modern market appeal. Now, someone please breed me a high end OG that yields like the old Skunk #1. Is that asking so much?

Kitty, this seems like a good time for us to have another discussion about how much we both love Northern Lights. It gets my vote for the best strain of all time. Hands down. I can still vividly remember exactly how it smells in the grow and in the bag. I have friends in Idaho still growing it from a cut I gave to them in 1997! Can I get a "FUCK YEAH!" for NL?
I'm smoking ATOMIC SHIVA (7 to 8 weeks) as we speak. I have to say the Dr has a way to go yet on his description, 10 seeds 4 different phenols, ran first ones for 75 days and they were so so, ran second batch 89 days with much better results, sent him an email with questions and he flipped me the bird. Come on 40 years and you send out F1 seeds, how else would you get so many different phenols? O well not the first or last time disappointed with a seed vendor.

How about Endless Sky
Damn, not the way to keep customers is it?

I'm going to run with an Avalon grow since Kitty Jedi mind tricked me and hopefully that's a keeper. hopefully I can find something that throws decent weight that has enough shelf appeal to not have much in the way of leftovers.
mmmm. timewarp takes me back. although last i heard it was clone-only? (i've been to parties where people were razzing jordan of the islands about that, and he wasnt' particularly forthcoming about what pollen he used.... hmmm.....) thing about TW is, lasqueti or texada, it's not a high yielder without the right conditions (it LIKES that sea level damp, it seems). i've seen acres'-worth at higher elevations that really didn't do squat in what should have been a good year.

speaking of canadian classics, though, i'm sure, being an old-skooler from quebec, woodsmaneh!, vous avez connaitre une jolie femme au nom de 'rene' (english for everyone else: you've met a pretty lady by the name of 'rene')? far as i know it was a 70/30 sativa, clone-only indoor strain bred by some dude named rene that named it after himself. cash crop ken has a cross available, it's on my "List" even though i don't wanna buy shit from VSB and they only carry him there. i don't think they're scammers, per se, but i try not to buy items from places where the proprietor has personally been a bitch to me.

as far as dr atomic goes, he's one of my growing heroes. the grower who calls herself "mellokitty" wouldn't BE a grower without his influence and help. i cut my teeth on his genetics.
that said, i can't comment on his customer service, because i've never been a customer of his. cg already knows this, but dr a was "one of the old dudes that i smoke with at the local canna cafe" until i made connections in the seed biz who told me who he was (young kitty: :shock: ). sorry woods, not doubting you, it's just funny trying to marry the flaky old peaceful dude who uses the word "cerebral" more often in conversation than anybody i know, with the business-dick that flips his custies the bird. actually it makes him a bit more human in my eyes. :lol: (srsly. you have to meet this guy to understand i think. there really is a sort of otherworldly aura about him.)... nepal baba and thai lights are the next dr a strains i want, "for the archives".

the last HA strain i encountered was supposed to be a high yielding indica called "cherry", never grew it out without losing 1/3 to budrot, and it didn't smell particularly like any kind of fruit. having mistakenly thought it was "cherry bomb" (BIG difference), kitty was especially disappointed.

well shit, jyer: i may have to buy some beans. and it's all your fault.
To be fair to Dr A and in my books that's Asshole there was a misunderstanding but I corrected it and he still flipper me the bird, I still have the email. Soit went like this got his seeds 4 phenols so sent an email and asked why and which was the keeper. He asked me where I got them and I said from him. Hitting the vap to much at the time, then relising my mistake a couple min later sent him another email saying"Brainfart" I bought them from Cross City in Ottawa, well I guess He thought I was insulting him so he sent back "do you know what a middle finger means" so I relised he did not know what Brainfart meant so sent him an explanation and apology right away with cut and paste from the urban dictonary and a couple other link's to support my claims and he just flipped me the bird again. So that's my side of the story. Still no reason to be rude to paying customer. Well we all vote with our money so there you go. It is too bad as I have quite a number of MMP that I work with and am always looking for good plants for me and them. But on the high side I discovered Sannies seeds last year and have been growing some of his gear and the ones I sexed will be ready starting Tue. next week.I be harvesting Uber Koush (can't get it anymore), jackberry F3, K.O Kush F4 and Anesthesia. His prices are great and stealth shipping the best.

You can talk to him by email great guy. Took 8 days to get to Ontario from the Netherlands


~: that is the best stoner misunderstanding *ever* :~

(sorry not trying to be flippant, i coul see how that would piss you off) :hug:
this has been bugging me, so im just going to throw it out there..... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phenol Phenol is carbolic Acid.

its not PHENOLS its PHENO as in Phenotype. as in the way a Genotype expresses its self in any given enviroment...... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phenotype

Phenotypes result from the expression of an organism's genes as well as the influence of environmental factors and the interactions between the two.
oh and Kitty. i just gota say...
even though i don't wanna buy shit from VSB and they only carry him there. i don't think they're scammers, per se, but i try not to buy items from places where the proprietor has personally been a bitch to me
i know EXACTLY what you mean. the people who manage that place are kind of a joke, and deter buisness with their personality's..... personaly i think there "VSB specials" are hemp, every one of mine looked like industrial hemp and they were all male......but i have to but from there because there the only good place i can find for jordan of the islands, CC kens, and of course the koutney mountain seed CO :wall:
*waves hand* these ARE the clones you're looking for..... *waves hand again*

:lol: :lol: :lol:

I'm sure they are but unfortunately you are a 48hr drive away :-).

You did say you were curious and I would hate to be the one to blame for... Well you know about curiosity and the cat.
The doob is rolled and I've pulled up a comfy chair. Should be good with all the hardware you have in your growspace. I am subscribed
we turn them... and switch them around every so often so nobody spends too much time on the outside (sort of like penguins in winter ;)). i want some of those plant holders with castors on them, dammit.

we're growing og's now, but i've heard from collective gardener that bubba kush seemed to *prefer the lack of light - he said his bubbas on the outside row outperformed the ones getting the full dose of light in the middle. (i mention this because we *could get bubba babies if we want)

If you have Menards near you, I just saw them for like $7 each. That's hella cheap, I've priced 'em a lot over the years. They weren't real heavy duty, but I'd say they should last a couple years of abuse at least.