16000+ watts medigrow: og kush+ 13 x 1kw hps + 3 x t5 badboys + grotek = *HAPPY JOY*

hey thanks! :lol:

..... and i usually save that particular quote for when i'm done with my man...... ;)

And then the links contained in that link, then more, more, more... hours later I emerge from the rabbit hole thinking holy fuck, I really just read all that...
Also, your PM box is full, but you already knew that.
here are the paintbrush . arent they pretty. im hopin to get you some different colors this weekend kitty cat. meow. :-P:leaf:would it be possible for you to put your color flower journal link in your sig. thanks meow
staurt lake aug 10 2011 026.jpg
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Dr.Amber Trichome again.

...... did it work? yay it did! (flower garden in sig, check!)

do me a favour and post them in there too, please, i just can't get enough!! damn, i love paintbrushes. do you guys get the white ones over there too?
helllo mellow. im so happy you like the picture. I have so much more for you. I really dont recall ever seeing white paintbrush, but my eagle eyes will be on a mission to find a patch for you. You are going to go into a mad purrring frenzy when you see the flowers i have found for you kitty. this will be better than any cat nip you have had in a while. thanks for adding your flower sig. I will bust out my wildflower book and get this done up right for you mello. Im off to go harvest my ktrain now ..ill catch your furry ass later.lol Ambert
Nice nug porn. I would give the love of rep, but I need to spread more love before giving it to you again. See that twisty leaf in the second picture? I would remove it. Twisty leaves like that sometimes fold back into the nugs and cause me PM during my final ripening stage. I am not a fan of defoliation, but I've been observing exactly what happens in my garden when I get PM. Twisty leaves on the inside of the canopy are my #1 suspect, I've seen them do their dastardly deeds!

yes! and remember folks, pinching not pulling! ;)
hows you miss kityy all well i hope the garden still strong ive got a indoor and outdoor now no were near as good of a setup as you but ill get there on day take a look if you want...
Awesome video update girl....your the shit!! I love the music track choice as usual, everything lookin' bomb up in there. I totally love the ddition of the T-5s to the flower room. Keep it up kitty!! Your my hero-ess!!
You know what your room needs? Another light.
Beautiful plants as purr usual. How far into flower are they?

That's Queen & David Bowie kitty kat ;)

all fixed thanks ;) (apologies to queen fans, i catch a glimpse of mr. bowie and all the blood rushes out of my brain and to.... parts unknown.... and i become unable to credit songs properly) :lol:

they're 3rd week right now. and you're right, if i'm going to continue to listen to queen in there, i might have to install some stadium lights.
pic update for all you non-video watchers:


jailbait porn:



