Moderatrix of Journals
already flushing --> no marked improvement --> don't think it's n tox.

do u guys do 2 trims, when trimming og kush? like first trim, then hang then do a final trim?
After my first harvest I prefer to trim before hanging. I had a harder time when the buds and leaves got softer. I guess its all about preference.
getting damn close......
whrn u guys do a wet trim, is that considered the final. or do u guys go over it then clip into bags? do u go into paper first or bags then tumble 3-4 times daily. just wondering.
I know exactly what you mean kitty lol that's why I prefer the wet trim. When I chopped my kush I didn't feel like trimming them so I chopped and hung... never again... from this point forward i'll always trim and hang. I understand that it takes them longer to dry doing it your way but it takes too much out of the scissors
Mongo, I do one trim before they hang and that's it. Well unless you count cutting off excess stems before the smoker/patient gets it.
new updates on my signature hun and im breeding now so want any input possible that u might have...
Kitty, continuing a convo from another site; did you ever hear back from your guy at CAP about the Quantum ballasts and Digilux bulbs?
I can't wait till they make 600 and 1000 w cmh's.