16000+ watts medigrow: og kush+ 13 x 1kw hps + 3 x t5 badboys + grotek = *HAPPY JOY*

i need to apologise; i forgot my camera in the house on trim day, and by the time i realised it, i couldn't come back out of the barn... i'm like friggin pigpen when i trim, it gets *everywhere*.

not to worry though, i still have my hanging stash; i'll try to take some bling porn when i work on that.
joe: 'scuse me while i go wipe my seat off, and then we can talk abooot your avi.....

Was this directed at me?? If so Your too kind ... One of the perks of growing 14 flavors one HAS gotta hook up correct right??
Get the nug porn up gurrl I need to see sum phenotype expression so I can check for possible lineage factors;) (as if I know )hehe

Oh and troller looking for info from others posting in a journal ; learn to use the PM button it's easy;)
I don't even know what you are talking about. Stutter??? Did you say something to me in a previous post? I was unaware.
YOu really need to grow up. I have no intention of trolling and I have no desire to be on your thread. I didn't even realize it was yours. Your a bit of a child grow up and get a life. Your a immature twit my intentions were only to research info and you have some sort of delusions of importance to think I even give a fuck who you are or what thread you start. Give me a fucking break douche.
then go away
what's up, it HAS been a while. not much has changed though; the charcoal filter moved, and the a/c unit finally got mounted. still the same space. (^3^)
in fact, you came by just in time for my setup update. ;)
you guys
are the most
of stoners


keep an eye out in the next couple days; it's still not quite all crispy today.
lots of news! i guess i'll take it one at a time.

we've adopted some plants. they were getting tossed for the sake of staying within someone's allowance. they're some of the nicest refugees i've ever rescued. they're "tall kush".... anybody familiar with the strain?



we've been asked to test run a couple of products, so i've chosen 6 ladies (3 each) and named them. one is an additive, one is a wholly separate nutrient regime.

we're going to test one on a b and c, april, britannia and CeeGee, respectively.
group 2 will consist of d e and f, dankette, ebony and fumble.

omg, i was all stoned when i was making stickers and i spelled britannia wrong... i will take your mockings like a good kitty until i get that straightened ooot. :lol:



britannia (a nod to our misty island friends, somebody slap me for the double t single n *cringing*)



CeeGee (girliest name i could come up with for those initials)


reveg group are.... well they're not doing much. which, i suppose they're not dying so that must be a good thing. they don't look particularly happy but that's to be expected. they've been at it roughly a week.

the promised setup pics:

this is the view to the right, standing at the doorway to the room. the timers and board are off in that corner.

front view of the same group of ballasts:

closeup of the entry point; something just tickles me about those rubber grommets. they just do.
board & timers:

the other group of ballasts on the far wall:

the cables from the far ballasts; part of the exhaust:

the vertibulb setup: note how the power cord isn't bearing the weight of the bulb? i've seen some disconcerting practises around here regarding that.