16oz solo cup micro grow. 1st grow ever. Insight please??


Hey guys I'm new to the site and also new to growing. This is my first plant and I'm growing it from a 16oz blue solo cup but I just want to experiment with this one before I invest too much money, or even know its sex : ) Anyways, here a brief overview of my setup for now.

- 16oz blue solo cup with holes in the bottom for drainage
- Fox Farms Ocean Forest soil
- Lights: Three 23w 5000k CFL (actual not equivalent) and one 23w 2700k CFL
- Been doing 12/12 from seed (looking to get it into flower sooner)

Dropped the seed in the cup on 2/6/14 so that makes 4 weeks today.

Here are some pictures. One of the little seedling and a few of where he/she is at today. If anybody could give any advice on if I should LST, FIM or anything else to produce more buds lemme know! I appreciate any insight.



Alright here are the pics. Dunno why they didn't post the first time.

And here are some pics from today. I actually took those 2 days ago : )

Lemme know what I can do at this point! I don't really wanna spend money though until I really know she is a pretty little lady.


Well-Known Member
In the reply box, click Go Advanced, and go to manage attachments. You can upload easier there. Then click Add Inline or whatever it says...
Works for me. Since the upload box is being a pain in the ass for me.


So it appears that my plant is kinda drooping. Mainly the bottom and second to bottom fan leaves. Everything else looks good. It has great color and I'm not over watering. Always wait for the soil to be dry before I do. The drooping can be seen it the pictures above so lemme know what I need to do. Nutrients maybe?


Well, ya I should have filled up the cup, but the only reason I didn't put more in was because I heard of something called stem rot. Basically if the stem sits in soil it can rot and kill the plant? : / I dunno. I transplanted into a gallon pot since then and it seems to be doing very well. Stem is getting thicker by the day and still healthy looking. Here are a couple pics


Well-Known Member
I think you would have been fine to bury that plant a bit deeper. I do it every time I re-pot if I've had some early stretch and it's never hurt a plant yet.

What you've done looks fine, though. The stem will keep on thickening up. Do you have a fan blowing on her? That strengthens the stem up nicely. She looks nice and happy there :D