

Well-Known Member
I'm currently saving for a 2nd light, so that'd be my choice... another 400 or 600 watter. If I already had all that...definately a nice new bong! It's been years since I've boughten a new bong!

EDIT: Of course a little off the top for a 30 pack of beer!


Well-Known Member
Damn, idk what to do. Im thinking about an other pack of seeds. Just got a bong yesterday and alcohol is a must.
Probably gonna get a master gift card, buy some seeds and go 12/12 outside.


Well-Known Member
Alright now I just gotta run out of weed before I go to walmart to get that master gift card and the clubs here in cali.


Active Member
Thats an expensive ass bong.
I talked the head shop owned down to 50$ on a 66$ 18" bong. Switched the bowl and down stem for free too.
Cheaper then my Roor (RIP) was. Granted it was larger but basically the same. You can probably show the page to your shop and have them order something like it direct from the company that makes the bongs. My local shop has always been cool about doing stuff like that.

A lot of local headshops seem willing to cut deals on higher end pieces since most of the business seems to be cheap China glass. Come to think of it the local shop cut me a good deal when I got my Roor.
Good question. I'm guessing you came across 170 bones. Well I'd split it up for different expenses. Probably top off my gas take. So take 40. The 130 that is left, I'd probably put 50 in the bank and spend a bit on marijuana and have a good time at a bar? Perhaps a date.

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
Bank it. Why you gotta spend it just because it was unexpected? I guarantee you will have a real need for extra money in the future.


Well-Known Member
Thats an expensive ass bong.
the price for that bong is STUPID. i got mine for $50 CAD, its borosilicate and the EXACT same bong without the logo, other than the fact that mine has an 1/8th bowl.......

alcohol is a must.
where do you live? USA,CAD,UK just a generalization.... ABSINTHE! is a must. its regulated in north america but im sure you can find it. absinthe is awsome, and the average is 70% alc + the thujone from the wormwood, and your in for a hella good time.


Well-Known Member
the price for that bong is STUPID. i got mine for $50 CAD, its borosilicate and the EXACT same bong without the logo, other than the fact that mine has an 1/8th bowl.......

where do you live? USA,CAD,UK just a generalization.... ABSINTHE! is a must. its regulated in north america but im sure you can find it. absinthe is awsome, and the average is 70% alc + the thujone from the wormwood, and your in for a hella good time.
I've never tried absinthe, only thing that high % was moonshine. Too bad I only had a shot of moonshine.
Im over in Congo, Africa I can probably get some of that dank if I take a trip to amsterdam;)